Camera plugin for Nativescript applications
npm i --save @angelengineering/camera


NativeScript Camera apple android




npm install @angelengineering/camera --save


ns plugin install @angelengineering/camera


This nativescript camera plugin works on Android (API 26+) and Apple (iOS 12+) devices and has the following features:

  • 📷 Photo and Video capture modes
  • 👁️ Camera switching during video recording and option to lock device rotation while recording
  • 👌 Pinch to zoom in/out and tap to focus
  • 📱 Video merge utility
  • 🎞️ Built-in buttons for flash, camera switch, capture
  • 📸 Flash/Torch control in both photo and video modes
  • ⏱️ Supports square-cropping photos and saving photos/videos to device Photos library
  • 🧩 Photo confirmation options with built-in UI to show preview

Future Features

  • 🌓 Video Confirmation flag and UI (you can use @angelengineering/videoplayer for your own confirmation flow for now)
  • ⚡ Additional options for more control over Camera and Photo/Video capture


The best way to understand how to use the plugin is to look at the demo app included in this repo. The apps/demo/ folder contains a simple NS TypeScript application that uses this plugin. Look at apps/demo/src/plugin-demos/camera.ts and apps/demo/src/plugin-demos/camera.xml for camera plugin usage, and apps/demo/src/main-view-model.ts for obtaining permissions before using the camera plugin.

  1. Import the plugin.
import { NSCamera } from '@angelengineering/camera';
  1. Create a camera instance via JS/TS or XML:
this.cam = new NSCamera();
this.cam.id = "nscamera"
// Decide if the camera should be in video or photo mode and set the enableVideo property.
this.cam.enableVideo = true;
this.cam.defaultCamera = 'front';
// Check camera and microphone permissions, then add `this.cam` to a Layout as a child view and voila!


<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" xmlns:Cam="@angelengineering/camera">
<Cam:NSCamera height="{{ cameraHeight }}"

  1. Hook into camera events to handle videos and photos capture events along with other useful events.
    this.cam.on(NSCamera.errorEvent, args => {
//handle error

this.cam.on(NSCamera.toggleCameraEvent, (args: any) => {
// update some UI/state

this.cam.on(NSCamera.photoCapturedEvent, (args: any) => {
// args.data should be the path of the jpeg file produced by camera library

this.cam.on(NSCamera.videoRecordingReadyEvent, (args: any) => {
//args.data should be the path of the file created with the video recording

this.cam.on(NSCamera.videoRecordingStartedEvent, (args: any) => {
// update some UI/state

this.cam.on(NSCamera.videoRecordingFinishedEvent, (args: any) => {
// some other UI updates

this.cam.on(NSCamera.cameraReadyEvent, (args: any) => {
// lets you know once native camera instance is ready and initialized
  1. Use the built-in buttons or control the camera using exposed functions in your app.


Before creating/using a Camera instance, you will need to ensure that permissions for both the Camera an the Microphone have been granted by the user. An example using the community permissions plugin can be seen in apps/demo/src/main-view-model.ts.

Android Permissions

To request permissions in the demo app, we use the @nativescript-community perms plugin.

Ensure your AndroidMAnifest.xml has the following declarations.

<manifest ... >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

<application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" ... >

To support saving to Photos Gallery for API<29 devices also add the following lines in AndroidManifest.xml

<manifest ... >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

<application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" ... >

And in your application, make sure you request these permissions if you want to use the saveToGallery flag. You can see an example in apps/demo/src/plugin-demos/camera.ts. If this flag is set and no permission has been granted, a copy will not be saved to the Device Photos.

For Android, if the camera is started in Photo mode, only camera permission will be requested/required. For Video mode, both camera and microphone permission will be required.

iOS Permissions

Add the following to app/App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist:

<string>This app requires access to your microphone to record audio</string>
<string>This app requires access to your camera to record video and take pictures</string>

If you want to use the saveToGallery flag then you will also need to add the following and request permission from user (look at the example in apps/demo/src/plugin-demos/camera.ts for a working example). If this flag is set and no permission has been granted, a copy will not be saved to the Photos Gallery.

<string>Requires access to photo library to upload media.</string>

NOTE: if you do use the perms plugin in a production app, make sure to read their README.md first, as using this plugin in production apps may require you to add all iOS Info.plist permission strings to avoid being rejected by automatic processing since the plugin includes code for all permission types.

For iOS, both camera and microphone permissions are required for either Photo or Video mode.


Name Type Default Description
debug boolean false If true logs will be output in the NS and native consoles to help debug the Camera plugin.
confirmPhotos boolean true If true the default take picture event will present a confirmation dialog before saving.
confirmRetakeText string 'Retake' When confirming capture this text will be presented to the user to retake the photo.
confirmSaveText string 'Save' When confirming capture this text will be presented to the user to save the photo.
saveToGallery boolean true If true, photos or videos captured by the plugin will be saved to the device photos gallery.
showFlashIcon boolean true If true the default flash toggle icon/button will show on the NSCamera layout. Note: if the current camera does not have a flashlight this will be automatically hidden.
showToggleIcon boolean true If true the default camera toggle (front/back) icon button will show on the NSCamera layout.
showCaptureIcon boolean true If true the default capture (take picture) icon/button will show on the NSCamera layout.
showGalleryIcon boolean true If true the choose from gallery/library icon/button will show on the NSCamera layout.
enableVideo boolean false If true the Camera instance will be in Video mode, otherwise in Photo mode.
defaultCamera 'front' or 'rear' 'rear' Which camera to use on launch. 'front' or 'rear'.
shouldLockRotation boolean true If true, locks the device orientation while recording video
doubleTapCameraSwitch boolean true Enable/disable double tap gesture to switch camera.

Android Only Properties

Name Type Description
flashOnIcon string Name of app_resource drawable for the native image button when flash is on (enabled).
flashOffIcon string Name of app_resource drawable for the native image button when flash is off (disabled).
toggleCameraIcon string Name of app_resource drawable for the toggle camera button.
takePicIcon string Name of app_resource drawable for the take picture (capture) button.
galleryIcon string Name of app_resource drawable for the open gallery (image library) button.
autoFocus boolean If true (defaults to true) the camera will use continuous focus when the camera detects changes of the target. on iOS, auto focus will be enabled if supported
insetButtons boolean If true (defaults to false), adjusts the spacing from edge of screen for built-in buttons.
insetButtonsPercent number The percentage to inset by, from 0.0 - 1.0

Cross Platform Public Methods

Method Description
isCameraAvailable() Returns true if the device has at least one camera.
toggleFlash() Toggles the flash mode on the active camera.
toggleCamera() Toggles the active camera on the device.
takePicture(opts?: ICameraOptions) Takes a picture of the current camera preview. When the image file is saved, photoCapturedEvent event will be emitted with its path . NOTE: this only works in Photo Mode.
getFlashMode(): string Android: various strings possible: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html#getFlashMode() iOS: either 'on' or 'off'
record(opts?: IVideoOptions) Starts recording a video. NOTE: this only works in Video Mode.
stop() Stops the video recording. When the video file is ready, the videoRecordingReadyEvent event will be emitted with its path. NOTE: this only works in Video Mode.
hasTorch() Returns true if the active camera has a torch mode for video recording. Note: Android will just return hasFlash()
hasFlash() Returns true if the active camera has a flash mode for taking photo. More info in Caveats section below.
getNumberOfCameras() Returns the number of cameras on the device. NOTE: this should be called after the cameraReadyEvent has been received to ensure the plugin has initialized and has access to camera hardware


Name Description
errorEvent Executes when an error is emitted from the Camera
photoCapturedEvent Executes when a photo is taken.
toggleCameraEvent Executes when the device camera is toggled.
videoRecordingStartedEvent Executes when video starts recording.
videoRecordingFinishedEvent Executes when video stops recording but has not process yet.
videoRecordingReadyEvent Executes when video has completed processing and is ready to be used.
confirmScreenShownEvent Executes when the picture confirm dialog is shown..
confirmScreenDismissedEvent Executes when the picture confirm dialog is dismissed either by Retake or Save button.
cameraReadyEvent Executes when the camera instance is done initializing

Option Interfaces

Photo taking options

export interface ICameraOptions {
confirmPhotos?: boolean;
saveToGallery?: boolean; //shared with video options
quality?: number;
autoSquareCrop?: boolean;
confirmRetakeText?: string;
confirmSaveText?: string;

Video recording options

export interface IVideoOptions {
videoQuality?: CameraVideoQuality; //defaults to 720p
saveToGallery?: boolean; //shared with photo options
androidMaxVideoBitRate?: number; //Android-only
androidMaxFrameRate?: number; //Android-only
androidMaxAudioBitRate?: number; //Android-only
export enum CameraVideoQuality {
MAX_480P = '480p',
MAX_720P = '720p',
MAX_1080P = '1080p',
MAX_2160P = '2160p',
HIGHEST = 'highest',
LOWEST = 'lowest',
QVGA = 'qvga',


Audio Inputs - On iOS, the plugin will prefer to use available audio inputs in the following order : bluetooth, wired and built-in. On Android, the plugin will only use the built-in device microphone at this time. Support for bluetooth devices will be added in the future.

App Suspension and Resume - You should add event listeners that will tear down the Camera View and re-initialize it to avoid problems with device camera access. You can see an example in the demo application.

Pinch to Zoom - for iOS this is only supported for rear cameras.

Main Camera Button - for both platforms, the main camera button supports both tap and long-press gestures when in video recording mode. Tap to start/stop recording, or long-press the button to record until you stop pressing the button. In photo mode, long-presses are ignored.

Device Sleep - Developers should handle disabling device sleep during video recording to avoid having the device/app suspend while using the camera plugin.

Device Orientation Lock - If your app has it's own orientation management system, use that instead of the plugin flag to ensure consistent behavior, particularly for iOS.

High Resolution and Camera Switching during Recording - Not all cameras support the same range of resolutions on the same device, so you will experience distortion in recordings made when starting with a high-res camera, and switching to a camera that only supports a lower resolution.

Flash Control during Recording - For both platforms, the flash/torch icon (if property was enabled) will be hidden during video recording as turning this on or off during recording is not supported.

Flash Control and Front Cameras on iOS - iOS devices since the iPhone 6s have a mode called Retina Flash, which will use the device display to display a bright white screen while using the front camera to take a photo if flash mode is enabled. Rear cameras will use the device flash hardware instead.

Video Codec - The videos will be recorded using either h264 or h265 compression depending on the device and OS version.


This plugin contains a few utility functions which may be useful for developers:

mergeVideoFiles(inputFiles: string[], outputPath: string): Promise<File>: Merge an array of video files produced by the camera plugin. To use it, all input video files must be MP4s with the same video/audio codec and resolution. The function takes two parameters; the first is an array of file names for the input video files and the second is a path string to save the merged video file to.

let outputFile = await this.cam.mergeVideoFiles(videoSegmentsArray, outputPath)

getVideoCodec(videoPath: string): string: Looks through metadata for information on the video codec/format of a video file from a path.

console.log('codec:', this.cam.getVideoCodec(args.data));

getVideoResolution(videoPath: string): { width: number; height: number } : Looks through metadata for information on the height and width of a video file from a path.

console.log('Height/width:', this.cam.getVideoResolution(args.data));

getVideoDuration(videoPath: string): number: Looks through metadata to find the duration in milliseconds of the video file from a path.

console.log('video duration: ', this.cam.getVideoDuration(args.data));


This plugin was based on Nativescript-Camera-Plus for NS, SwiftyCam for iOS and FancyCamera for Android.


Apache License Version 2.0