by billow | v1.0.3
Easy Nav is a simple wrapper for the built-in $navigateTo() functionality of Nativescript Vue.
npm i --save @billow/nsv-easy-nav

Nativescript Vue - Easy Nav

First off this is not a replacement for VueRouter in NSV. A true router for NSV is still a ways off.

Easy Nav is a simple wrapper for the built-in $navigateTo() functionality. This removes the need to import the component everytime you want to navigate to it and also allows you to interact with your routing layer in a more VueRouter like way.


npm i @billow/nsv-easy-nav


import Router from '@billow/nsv-easy-nav'

let routes = new Router({
routes: [
name: 'welcome',
component: Welcome

// When the application comes out of a closed state, we need to determine which component
// to render. If the user is not authenticated show the Welcome component and visa versa.
// Note: userIsAuthenticated is only an example, your application must handle authentication.

let StartUpComponent = (userIsAuthenticated) ? Dashboard : Welcome

new Vue({


render: h => h('frame', [h(StartUpComponent)]),



<Button @tap="$router.go('dashboard')">Dashboard</Button> // Navigates with history
<Button @tap="$router.clear.go('dashboard')">Dashboard</Button> // Navigates and clears back stack.
<Button @tap="$router.go('user-edit', {
userId: 1
Edit User</Button> // Props passed as second argument
<Button @tap="$router.back()">Back</Button> // Navigates with back stack

Usage within instance.

export default {

methods: {
goToDashboard() {
this.$router.go('dashboard') // Navigates with history

editUser(userId) {
this.$router.go('user-edit', { // Navigates with a prop passed as second argument



The go method accepts 3 arguments with a few defaults for Android.

  go(name, props = {}, transitions = {
android: {
name: 'slide',
curve: enums.AnimationCurve.ease


Typically paired with go(), this method accepts no arguements.
