by billow | v1.0.5
A NativeScript-Vue http plugin, for NativeScripts http module
npm i --save @billow/nsv-http

NativeScript-Vue Http

A wrapper for the default http module in NativeScript. It also fixes some quirks with Android and gzip.


npm i @billow/nsv-http


// backend.js example.

import { Http } from "@billow/nsv-http"
import { isAndroid } from 'platform'
import { getString } from "application-settings" // Example Only

let http = new Http({

// Configure a base url for all requests
baseUrl: 'https://api.test.com',

// Example headers, typically this is what we use when interacting with a Laravel Passport API.
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
'Accept-Encoding': isAndroid ? 'identity' : 'gzip, deflate, br', // Android requests fail when the server is gzipping responses, this is a work around.
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getString('token', '')

http.post('/path', {...}, successCallback, errorCallback)
http.get('/path', successCallback, errorCallback)

As a Vue plugin

import Http from '@billow/nsv-http'

Vue.use(Http, {

// Configure a base url for all requests
baseUrl: 'https://api.test.com',

headers: {...}

methods: {
loadUser() {
this.$http.get('/user/1', content => {
let responsePayload = content
}, error => {
// handle the error
createUser() {
this.$http.post('/user', {
name: 'John',
surname: 'Doe'
}, content => {
let responsePayload = content
}, error => {
// handle the error

Updating the Authorization Header

let http = new Http({...})

let token = '12345'

http.setAuthorizationHeader(`Bearer ${token}`)