by courthoang | v1.0.4
NativeScript plugin to handle in app purchases and subscriptions on Android and iOS.
npm i --save @courthoang/nativescript-in-app-purchase


NativeScript plugin to handle in app purchases and subscriptions on Android and iOS.

(Optional) Prerequisites / Requirements

Refer to the mobile ecosystem provider on how to
test in app purchases.

For Apple head to developer.apple.com

For Android Google Play Store head over to developer.android.com


Installing the plugin

tns plugin add nativescript-in-app-purchase


Use this typings definition for Typescript and adding IntelliSense support.

    /// <reference path="./node_modules/nativescript-in-app-purchase/index.d.ts" />


First of all it is required to create an instance of InAppPurchaseManager.

    import { OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { InAppPurchaseManager, InAppPurchaseResultCode, InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener, InAppPurchaseTransactionState, InAppPurchaseType } from 'nativescript-in-app-purchase'
export class Test implements OnInit {
private inAppPurchaseManager: InAppPurchaseManager
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
const purchaseStateUpdateListener: InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener = {
onUpdate: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Purchased) {
// Item has been purchased, sync local items list ...
onUpdateHistory: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Restored) {
// Item has been restored, sync local items list ...
InAppPurchaseManager.bootStrapInstance(purchaseStateUpdateListener).then(inAppPurchaseManager => {
this.inAppPurchaseManager = inAppPurchaseManager

Product list

Get the list of in app products.
To retrieve the list of in app products you must query a known amount of product IDs.

    // additional imports required
import { InAppPurchaseType, InAppListProductsResult, InAppProduct } from 'nativescript-in-app-purchase'

// query products
queryProducts() {
const myProductIds = ['product_1', 'product_2']
// For subscriptions change to `InAppPurchaseType.Subscription`
const myProductType = InAppPurchaseType.InAppPurchase

this.inAppPurchaseManager.list(myProductIds, myProductType)
.then((result: InAppListProductsResult) => {
const products: InAppProduct[] = result.products
for (const product of products) {
// get the products ...
console.log(product.title, product)

Buy a product

When buying a product the result InAppOrderResult is only related to the order transaction it self.
The purchase state of the product will be called on the InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener#onUpdate method.
This is where you have to confirm the purchase to finish the whole purchasing transaction.
The App Store and Google Play Store will automatically refund orders that haven't been confirmed.

Buying a product

    // additional imports required
import { InAppOrderResult } from 'nativescript-in-app-purchase'

// by product
buy() {
const myProducts: InAppProduct[] = []//...

const productToBuy: InAppProduct = myProducts[0]
.then((result: InAppOrderResult) => {
if (result.success) {
// order has been processed
// ... expecting confirmation ...
// handle confirmation in `InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener.onUpdate(...)`

Confirming a product

    // additional imports required
import { InAppOrderConfirmResult } from 'nativescript-in-app-purchase'

ngOnInit(): void {
const purchaseStateUpdateListener: InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener = {
onUpdate: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Purchased) {
// Item has been purchased, sync local items list ...
onUpdateHistory: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Restored) {
// Item has been restored, sync local items list ...
// ...

confirmOrder(purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState) {
const isConsumable = (productId: string): boolean => {
/* determine if is consumable and can be purchased more then once */
return false }

// only purchased products can be confirmed
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Purchased) {
const consumable: boolean = isConsumable(purchaseTransactionState.productIdentifier)
this.inAppPurchaseManager.orderConfirm(purchaseTransactionState, consumable)
.then((result: InAppOrderConfirmResult) => {
if (result.success) {
// order confirmation has been processed


Restore purchases

Restore purchases will get you all items the user already purchased.
The purchase state of the restored product will be called on the InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener#onUpdateHistory method.

    // additional imports required
import { InAppOrderHistoryResult } from 'nativescript-in-app-purchase'

restoreProducts() {
.then((result: InAppOrderHistoryResult) => {
if (result.success) {
// purchase history requested
// handle it in `InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener.onUpdateHistory(...)`


  • list(productIds: string[], productType?: InAppPurchaseType): Promise<InAppListProductsResult>
    List all products
  • order(product: InAppProduct): Promise<InAppOrderResult>
    Order a product
  • orderConfirm(purchaseTransaction: InAppPurchaseTransactionState, consumable: boolean): Promise<InAppOrderConfirmResult>
    Confirm the buy of a product to make it final
  • purchaseHistory(): Promise<InAppOrderHistoryResult>
    Load user's owened products
  • canMakePayment(): boolean
    Check wether billing is enabled or not
  • static bootStrapInstance(purchaseStateUpdateListener?: InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener): Promise<InAppPurchaseManager>
    Create a new instance of the in app purchase manager
  • shutdown()
    Close connection to the unerlying OS billing API


There is a demo angular app project included.
Checkout this repo and read the DEMO Readme


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2020


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