by dark-engine | v1.4.2
Dark navigation for NativeScript platform
npm i --save @dark-engine/native-navigation

@dark-engine/native-navigation 🌖

Dark router for NativeScript platform.

More about Dark


  • 📚 Stack navigation
  • 📂 Tab navigation
  • 🎆 Modal navigation
  • 🌳 Nested screens
  • 🔢 Parameters
  • 💃 Animated transitions
  • 📈 Hooks
  • ✂️ No deps



npm install @dark-engine/native-navigation


yarn add @dark-engine/native-navigation


import {
type NavigationOptions,
} from '@dark-engine/native-navigation';


In order to use navigation, you need to wrap the application root in a NavigationContainer and pass a defaultPathname to it, which will display the selected screen when the application starts. Inside this container, you must place the selected navigator and describe the collection of screens for navigation. Each screen must have a name and a component to be rendered.

Navigation via StackNavigator

StackNavigator is the main navigation method that implements the logic of changing screens.

import { NavigationContainer, StackNavigator } from '@dark-engine/native-navigation';
const App = component(() => {
return (
<NavigationContainer defaultPathname='/Feed'>
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Feed' component={Feed} />
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Friends' component={Friends} />
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Profile' component={Profile} />
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Settings' component={Settings} />

Navigation via TabNavigator

The TabNavigator is a wrapper around the StackNavigator that displays tab buttons at the bottom to control screens. Using the StackNavigator wrapping approach, you can also implement a navigation strategy through a Drawer or Modal.

import { NavigationContainer, TabNavigator } from '@dark-engine/native-navigation';
const App = component(() => {
return (
<NavigationContainer defaultPathname='/Feed'>
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Feed' component={Feed} />
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Friends' component={Friends} />
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Profile' component={Profile} />
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Settings' component={Settings} />

You can customize Tabs view through passing bottomNavigationOptions to TabNavigator.Root and renderTab to TabNavigator.Screen to render tabs with icons.

Navigating to screen

To navigate to a new screen, you need to use the navigateTo method, which provided by the useNavigation hook.

import { useNavigation } from '@dark-engine/native-navigation';
const { navigateTo } = useNavigation();

return (
<Button onTap={() => navigateTo('/Dashboard')}>Dashboard</Button>

The method supports passing NavigationOptions, which include a parameter for the new screen, as well as a flag to enable support for animated transitions.

import { CoreTypes } from '@nativescript/core';
import { useNavigation, TransitionName } from '@dark-engine/native-navigation';
navigateTo('/Profile', {
params: { id: 25 },
animated: true,
transition: {
curve: CoreTypes.AnimationCurve.easeInOut,
name: TransitionName.slide,
duration: 200,

Back navigation

const { goBack } = useNavigation();

return (
<Button onTap={() => goBack()}>back</Button>

Access to params

const { params } = useNavigation();
const id = Number(params.get('id'));

useEffect(() => {
.then(x => x.json())

.then(x => setAlbum(x));
}, [id]);

Nested screens

You can nest navigators to create nested screens like /Home/Dashboard, /Home/Profile and so on.

const Home = component(() => {
return (
<StackLayout height='100%'>
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Dashboard' component={Dashboard} />
<StackNavigator.Screen name='Profile' component={Profile} />

const App = component(() => {
return (
<NavigationContainer defaultPathname='/Home/Dashboard'>
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Home' component={Home} />
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Settings' component={Settings} />
<TabNavigator.Screen name='Contacts' component={Contacts} />


MIT © Alex Plex