Multi Select popup dialog.
npm i --save @elgibor-solution/nativescript-multiselect

Nativescript Multi Select apple android

npm npm


This plugin is cloned from nativescript-multi-select. Nativescript Multi Select is a popup dialog which provides multi selection, search through list and return the selected items.


ns plugin add @elgibor-solution/nativescript-multiselect



import { Component, OnInit, NgZone } from "@angular/core";
import { MultiSelect, AShowType } from '@elgibor-solution/nativescript-multiselect';

// ...
export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {
private _MSelect: MultiSelect;
private predefinedItems: Array<any>;
public selectedItems: Array<any>;

constructor(private zone: NgZone) {
this._MSelect = new MultiSelect();
this.predefinedItems = ["moi-a", "moi-b"];

ngOnInit(): void {

onSelectTapped(): void {
const options: MSOption = {
title: "Please Select",
selectedItems: this.predefinedItems,
items: [
{ name: "A", value: "moi-a" },
{ name: "B", value: "moi-b" },
{ name: "C", value: "moi-c" },
{ name: "D", value: "moi-d" },
bindValue: 'value',
displayLabel: 'name',
onConfirm: selectedItems => {
this.zone.run(() => {
this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
this.predefinedItems = selectedItems;
console.log("SELECTED ITEMS => ", selectedItems);
onItemSelected: selectedItem => {
console.log("SELECTED ITEM => ", selectedItem);
onCancel: () => {




Property Type Description
show(options: MSOption) () : void Show Multi Select Dialog


Property Type Description
title string Dialog Title
confirmButtonText string confirm button text optional
cancelButtonText string cancel button text optional
selectedItems Array<any> predefined items optional
items Array<any> items/list that will be display
bindValue string the value that will determine the property which will be return when an item is selected optional
displayLabel string the value that will determine the property which will be display in the list optional
onConfirm: (selectedItems: Array<any>) => void Function Callback callback which fires when the selection has been confirm/done
onItemSelected: (selectedItem: any) => void Function Callback callback which fires when an item has been selected optional
onCancel: () => void Function Callback callback which fires when the cancel button is tapped optional

MSAndroidOption (for android)

Property Type Description
titleSize number optional

MSiOSOption (for ios)

Property Type Description
showType number popup view show type, default by AAPopupViewShowTypeFadeIn optional
dismissType number popup view dismiss type, default by AAPopupViewDismissTypeFadeOut optional
itemColor string item text color optional




Apache License Version 2.0