by exeleon | v1.0.1
NativeScript SVG plugin
npm i --save @exeleon/nativescript-svg

npm npm MIT license Dependency Status

NativeScript SVG

This repo is a fork of TeamMaestro/nativescript-svg which is a fork of peoplewareDo/nativescript-svg.


tns plugin add @exeleon/nativescript-svg


You use it in the same way you use Image source.

Android Library iOS CocoaPod
BigBadaboom AndroidSVG SVGKit by SVGKit

** there are limitations: ** - saveToFile ins't working

Quick start

var ImageSourceSVGModule = require('nativescript-svg');
var svgFile = new ImageSourceSVGModule.ImageSourceSVG();

var loaded = svgFile.fromResource('foxie');

var path = '//somepath/file.svg';
loaded = svgFile.loadFromFile(path);

var url = 'http://somepath/file.svg';
.then(loaded => {
console.log('object loaded');
.catch(e => {


ImageSourceSVGModule.fromResource(name: string): ImageSourceSVG
  • Loads this instance from the specified resource name.
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromFile(path: string): ImageSourceSVG
  • Creates a new ImageSourceSVG instance and loads it from the specified file.
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromData(data: any): ImageSourceSVG
  • Creates a new ImageSourceSVG instance and loads it from the specified resource name.
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromBase64(source: string): ImageSourceSVG
  • Creates a new ImageSourceSVG instance and loads it from the specified resource name.
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromBase64(source: string): ImageSourceSVG
  • Creates a new ImageSourceSVG instance and loads it from the specified resource name.
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromUrl(url: string): Promise:ImageSourceSVG
  • Downloads the image from the provided Url and creates a new ImageSourceSVG instance from it.

You can call every method in two ways, for example:

//from the svf file object
svgFile.loadFromResource(name: string): boolean // synchronously
svgFile.fromResource(name: string): ImageSourceSVG //asynchronously


//from the svg module api
ImageSourceSVGModule.fromResource(name: string): ImageSourceSVG

Since ver 1.1 Implement a similar image tag to be used as for example:

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
xmlns:svg="nativescript-svg" loaded="pageLoaded">

<!--svg image tag-->
<svg:SVGImage src="~/image/nativescript.svg" height="100" />
<svg:SVGImage src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/3uyIgVxP1qAjS/200.svg" height="200" />

<!--normal image tag-->
<Image src="~/images/logo.svg" stretch ="none" />


ver 1.6 implement an SVGImage tag that can support svg tags.

<!-- this is more complicated to implement, pending to be implemented -->
<svg:SVGImage width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />

ver 1.5 Change api dependency from pents90/svg-android to Pixplicity/sharp

Release note

v1.3.4 -- Angular 4 support, please check example code

v1.3.0 -- NS 3+ implementation and it will work with angular if you call registerElement before using it. Thanks to @tbozhikov

v1.1.4 -- Fix svg & demo

v1.1.3 -- Fix SVGImage for iOS - SVGKFastImageView issue#3

v1.1.0 -- Implemented a similar image tag to render svg images.

v1.0.11 -- Major fix for load library issue and demo include.

v1.0.9 -- load from URL on Android and IOS included.

v1.0.7 -- Fix svg.common override issue.

v1.0.5 -- fix for npm package lib not including the .js files.

v1.0.2 -- the base64 encondig on Android included - IOS pending.