by melonwd | v1.4.5
The purpose of this repo and library is to swap out functionality provided by SweetAlert2 at transpile time and provide Nativescript friendly code/views.
npm i --save @melonwd/melonalert


The purpose of this repo and library is to swap out functionality provided by SweetAlert2 at transpile time and provide Nativescript friendly code/views.


Install the package with

npm install @melonwd/melonalert

and then in the correct tsconfig.json you need to define the following path:


After this, whenever you require or import something from sweetalert2 it will instead grab the member out of the melonalerts library instead.


Once the above has been done, you should be able to use swal normally (with limited functionality.)

You need to import MelonAlertModule and place it within your app.module.ts.

You need to put <mwd-alert></mwd-alert> in the root of your project.

Supported Alert Flags

title - Title of which to be shown in the alert

text - Text to be shown underneath the paragraph

confirmButtonText - Text shown on the confirmation button

cancelButtonText - Text shown on the cancellation button

showConfirmButton - If the confirmation button should display.

showCancelButton - If the cancellation button should display.

cancelButtonStyle - Object of styles to apply to the cancellation button.

confirmButtonStyle - Object of styles to apply to the confirmation button.