- Version: 0.0.15
- GitHub: https://github.com/nativescript-community/tween
- NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/%40nativescript-community%2Ftween
- Downloads:
- Last Day: 30
- Last Week: 130
- Last Month: 221
NativeScript Tween
A NativeScript plugin that natively wraps tween.js, a tweening engine for easy animations, incorporating optimized Robert Penner's equations.
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iOS Demo | Android Demo |
Table of Contents
Run the following command from the root of your project:
ns plugin add @nativescript-community/tween
No futher configuration is needed.
This plugin exports the same API as tween.js
Refer to the offical tween.js user guide additional examples and information.
For now grouping, chaining, repeating... are not supported. Just basic tweening.
Any view property that is a number should technically be able to be tweened. All of these have not been tested, but some of the common ones that work are:
The following are available tween easing options:
Usage in Angular
The following is a very simple example of getting tweens to run in your Angular project.
Create a view that you would like to animate as well as a button to trigger it in your component's HTML file.
<Button text="Start Animation" (tap)="startTween()" verticalAlignment="top"></Button>
<AbsoluteLayout #box width="30" height="30" backgroundColor="red" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></AbsoluteLayout>
Reference the view you want to animate in your component's typescript file with the following (and add required imports):
boxRef: AbsoluteLayout;
@ViewChild("box", { static: true }) boxElementRef: ElementRef;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.boxRef = this.boxElementRef.nativeElement;
Import the tween module in your component's typescript file:
import { TWEEN } from '@nativescript-community/tween';
Create a function that will contain the call to run the tween.
startTween() {
new TWEEN.Tween({ value: 30 })
.to({ value: 300 }, 1000)
.onStart(() => {
console.log("The tween has stated...");
.onComplete(() => {
console.log("The tween has completed...");
.onUpdate(obj => {
this.boxRef.width = obj.value;
That should be all you need! Now, when you tap the button Start Animation
, the box's width should go from 30
to 300
Look in the demo-ng
directory for a more advanced demo.
Usage in Vue
The following is a very simple example of getting tweens to run in your Vue project.
Create a view that you would like to animate as well as a button to trigger it.
<Button text="Start Animation" @tap="startTween" />
<AbsoluteLayout ref="box" width="30" height="30" backgroundColor="red" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></AbsoluteLayout>
Reference the view you want to animate in your component computed
// ...
computed: {
return this.$refs.box.nativeView;
// ...
Import the tween module in your component:
import { TWEEN } from '@nativescript-community/tween';
Create a function that will contain the call to run the tween.
startTween() {
new TWEEN.Tween({ value: 30 })
.to({ value: 300 }, 1000)
.onStart(() => {
console.log("The tween has stated...");
.onComplete(() => {
console.log("The tween has completed...");
.onUpdate(obj => {
this.boxRef.width = obj.value;
That should be all you need! Now, when you tap the button Start Animation
, the box's width should go from 30
to 300
Look in the demo-vue
directory for a more advanced demo.
Usage in Svelte
The following is a very simple example of getting tweens to run in your Svelte project.
Create a view that you would like to animate as well as a button to trigger it.
<button text="Start Animation" on:tap="{startTween}" />
<absoluteLayout bind:this="{boxRef}" width="30" height="30" backgroundColor="red" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></absoluteLayout>
Reference the view you want to animate in your component.
let boxRef: AbsoluteLayout;
onMount(() => {
boxRef = boxRef.nativeView;
Import the tween module in your component:
import { TWEEN } from '@nativescript-community/tween';
Create a function that will contain the call to run the tween.
function startTween() {
new TWEEN.Tween({ value: 30 })
.to({ value: 300 }, 1000)
.onStart(() => {
console.log("The tween has stated...");
.onComplete(() => {
console.log("The tween has completed...");
.onUpdate(obj => {
boxRef.width = obj.value;
That should be all you need! Now, when you tap the button Start Animation
, the box's width should go from 30
to 300
Look in the demo-svelte
directory for a more advanced demo.
Usage in React
The following is a very simple example of getting tweens to run in your React project.
Create a view that you would like to animate as well as a button to trigger it.
<button text="Start Animation" onTap={startTween} />
<absoluteLayout ref={boxRef} width="30" height="30" backgroundColor="red" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="middle"></absoluteLayout>
Reference the view you want to animate in your component.
const boxRef = React.useRef<NSVElement<AbsoluteLayout>>(null);
Import the tween module in your component:
import { TWEEN } from '@nativescript-community/tween';
Create a function that will contain the call to run the tween.
function startTween() {
new TWEEN.Tween({ value: 30 })
.to({ value: 300 }, 1000)
.onStart(() => {
console.log("The tween has stated...");
.onComplete(() => {
console.log("The tween has completed...");
.onUpdate(obj => {
boxRef.current!.nativeView.width = obj.value;
That should be all you need! Now, when you tap the button Start Animation
, the box's width should go from 30
to 300
Look in the demo-react
directory for a more advanced demo
This repository includes Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, and React demos. In order to run these execute the following in your shell:
$ git clone https://github.com/@nativescript-community/tween
$ cd tween
$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ cd demo-ng # or demo-vue or demo-svelte or demo-react
$ ns run ios|android