A set of TSLint rules for NativeScript projects.
npm i --save @nativescript/tslint-rules

NativeScript TSLint Rules

Build Status

This project contains tslint rules useful for NativeScript applications.

prefer-mapped-imports rule

Prefer using mapped paths when importing external modules or ES6 import declarations.

Note: This rule is intended for code-sharing NativeScript projects


  • prefix specifies the prefix for the mapped imports (usually "@src/").
  • prefix-mapped-to specifies folder that is mapped to the prefix (usually "src/").
  • base-url specifies the base url of the typescript program (usually ".")`

Sample rule config (tslint.json):

"prefer-mapped-imports": [
"prefix": "@prefix/",
"prefix-mapped-to": "src/",
"base-url": "."


The rule will propose a fix if:

  • Has all the configurations in the tslint.json
  • Used in typescript project with baseUrl and path mappings for either web or mobile files.

no-android-resources rule

The rule forbids using constants inside android.R as they cause performance issues.