by randock | v0.2.4
Nativescript wrapper for Highcharts iOS and Android SDKs
npm i --save @randock/ui-charts

@nativescript/ui-charts apple android

Nativescript wrapper for Highcharts iOS and Android SDKs


In Command prompt / Terminal navigate to your application root folder and run:

tns plugin add @nativescript/ui-charts


The best way to explore the usage of the plugin is to inspect the demo app in the plugin's root folder. In demo folder you can find the usage of the plugin for TypeScript non-Angular application. Refer to demo/app/demos for different chart types.

NativeScript Core

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
<!-- Don't forget to declare the namespace -->
<uc:UIChartsView id="chartView" loaded="chartViewLoaded" />
export function chartViewLoaded(args) {
chartView = args.object;

The chartOptions is a HICharts options object, refer to https://www.highcharts.com/demo/ for inspiration, and also checkout https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/ for API reference