- Version: 2.0.5
- GitHub: https://github.com/OPADA-Eng/ticnat-ns-plugins/tree/master
- NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/%40ticnat%2Fnativescript-searchable-select
- Downloads:
- Last Day: 0
- Last Week: 0
- Last Month: 0
Since nativescript changed the way it fill up ObservableArray and breaking changes so For nativescript >= 8.3.0
ns plugin add @ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select
For nativescript < 8.3.0
ns plugin add @ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select@1.0.7
A NativeScript plugin to provide an listview widget to select AND filter items.
Sample Screenshots
Android and ios
Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
NativeScript 7.x
tns plugin add @ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select
import css
@import '@ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select/styles.css';
*Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues
Vanilla NativeScript
IMPORTANT: Make sure you include xmlns:SS="@ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select"
on the Page element
<Page xmlns:SS="@ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select">
items="{{ countries }}"
hint="Please select some countries"
modal_title="Countries" search_param="name"
change="{{ onSelect }}"
or with inner template option:
<Page xmlns:SS="@ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select">
<SS:SearchableSelect render="label" selected="{{ selected }}" items="{{ countries }}" hint="Please select some countries" modal_title="Countries" search_param="name" primary_key="code" change="{{ onSelect }}">
<GridLayout class="item" height="50" columns="*,100">
<Label col="0" class="text-center" text="{{ name }}" textWrap="true" />
<Label col="1" class="text-center" text="{{ code }}" textWrap="true" />
Angular NativeScript
Regiter plugin in Component class
import { registerElement } from 'nativescript-angular/element-registry';
import { FilterSelect } from '@ticnat/nativescript-searchable-select';
registerElement('FilterSelect', () => FilterSelect);
hint="Please select some items"
modal_title="item" search_param="name"
see demo examples for more information
Attribute | Description | Default |
render | to render "tags" or "label" or "drop" | string : tags |
multiple | to limit the options selected to one if set to false | boolean : true |
search_param | index of the string value in the items object to search on it | string : name |
item_template | xml template for the listview items | string : <Label col="0" text="{{ ${this._search_param} }}" textWrap="true" /> |
change | change event treger when select is done | function : optional change(args) and selected item can be accessed as args.selected |
modal_title | title of the filter modal | String : Please select items |
hint | string to show when no items selected | Please select some items |
items | array of objects to populate the list of options | ObservableArray :[] |
primary_key | unique index of the items object | string : id |
selected | array of objects to mark some options as selected and it will be the result when select is done | Array: [] |
disabled | to disable select botton | boolean : false |
allowSearch | to enable/disable search bar in the modal | boolean : true |
windowHeight | to specify the height of the select window | number : 70 |
refresh | to refresh the filter select with new values good with remote data | function |
searchHint | search placeholder or hint in the items modal | "Search for item" |
xbtn | remove tag text you can use tag icon here | "x" |
closeText | close button text | "Close" |
doneText | done button text | "Done" |
clearText | clear button text | "Clear" |
selectText | select button text | "Select" |
autofocus | keyboard up when you open modal so you can start search | false |
open() | open modal programmatically | function |
close | close event treger when modal is closed | you can get the selected array by args.selected if the modal closed without any selection the array will be empty |
CSS core-theme styles is required for modal page if you dont have them just make your own
see styles.css so you can override or make your own
- and don't forget to share with us your nice styles :D
font icons
font icons are required if you are using dropdown render
and you can add fontawsome icon as a select triger ( hint="{{'fa-list-ul' | fonticon}}" )
see demo
This plugin is built and maintained based on this plugin and many thanks for @moayadnajd
For contributing
just do a pull request with description of your changes or open issue with your ideas
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