- Version: 1.0.3
- GitHub: https://github.com/andreabbondanza/nativescript-app-duplicator
- NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nativescript-app-duplicator
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- Last Day: 0
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A tool to manage duplicated app in same project
What mean this package
Sometimes in our business we have two o more app than are the same but with differents UI. Instead of create more project, this tools helps you to manage multiples app with one project for {N}.
Use it with npx
npm install -g npx
npm install nativescript-app-duplicator
How it works
In first place, this plugin works with webpack flow for {N} and every commands needs a project "state" to work. Lets see commands
npx ns-dup [APPNAME] [--option]
Options than require APPNAME:
- --workwith or -w: set the project state to "Working on APPNAME"
- --restore or -r: restore APPNAME on state "not working" and set "Neutral state"
- --new or -n: needs to be in state "WOKRING", it will duplicate the WORKING project with APPNAME namew
- --delete or -d: delete APPNAME project
Not require APPNAME:
- --help or -h: show options
Starting a new project
After you've created a new project with {N} cli, you have to enter in a multiproject state, so you must execute
npx ns-dup [FIRST_PROJECT_NAME] --restore
Working state
When a project is in a "working state" it means that you can work on it, the other project will not be affected ƒrom your changes on it.
Neutral state
No project are in working state
Phisically meaing of states
Projects structure
|- App_Resources_[PROJECT NAME]
[PROJECT NAME]_package.json
The duplicator renames resources and package.json to works with {N} CLI