by aliyksel | v1.0.1
Amazon dynamodb service
npm i --save nativescript-aws-dynamo

Your Plugin Name


This plugin is limited edition to use AWS DynamoDB services. if you want to buy full edition or other AWS services plugins then you can touch us with this url.

(Optional) Prerequisites / Requirements

if you get keychain error in iOS you have to install nativescript-custom-entitlements plugin to your project. you add this lines to app.entitlements file.



tns plugin add nativescript-aws-cognito


This plugin works only UnAuth, You Should give permission to UnAuth role for Dynamodb. You Would this url.

    	import { AwsDynamo, DynamoCommonDelegate } from 'nativescript-aws-dynamo';

You Should import plugin. You Should AwsDynamo object and DynamoCommonDelegate imlement. Your class Should implement from DynamoCommonDelegate.

    	interface DynamoCommonDelegate{

You Should create AwsDynamo instance and call initDdb method. You give region and your identity pool id. You would look AWS documantation for more information.

    	this.awsDynamo = new AwsDynamo();
this.awsDynamo.initDdb("AWSRegionUSEast2", "us-east-2:77218a3c-b958-41qw-bf14-984d54adba56");

You Should these methods for CRUD operation. All Methods Async, you Should DynamoCommonDelegate instance to methods.

     this.awsDynamo.putItem("Books", [{ key: "ISBN", value: { data: "8", type: "S" } },
{ key: "Author", value: { data: "ali4", type: "S" } },
{ key: "Title", value: { data: "deneme4", type: "S" } },
{ key: "list1", value: { type: "L", data: [{ data: "list1", type: "S" }, { data: "3", type: "N" }] } },
{ key: "boolen", value: { type: "BO", data: true } },
{ key: "set1", value: { type: "SS", data: ["set1", "set2"] } }
], this);
     this.awsDynamo.getItem("Books",[{"key":"ISBN","value":{data:"10", type:"S"}}], this);
     this.awsDynamo.deleteItem("Books",[{"key":"ISBN","value":{data:"4", type:"S"}}], this);
     this.awsDynamo.updateItem("Books",[{"key":"ISBN","value":{data:"3", type:"S"}}], [{key:"set2", value:{type:"SS", data:["set1","set2"]},"action":"PUT"}] , this);


This plugin uses ObjectiveC AWS SDk and Java AWS Sdk.


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004