Your awesome NativeScript plugin for render a comments box .
npm i --save nativescript-comments
- Version: 1.1.9
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Nativescript Comments
Comments box ready for integration inside you'r native script app
tns plugin add nativescript-comments
add comments.ios.css and css for styling
*Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues
<Page xmlns="" xmlns:UI="nativescript-comments">
<UI:Comments like="{{ like }}" add="{{ add }}" items="{{ comments }}" />
access events
public like(args) {
// args.object.toggle( function increase or decrease the like count inside the comment
// has the id of the liked item
public add(args) {
// args.object.busy(true) show the activity indicator
// args.object.busy(false) hide the activity indicator
// args.object.push({}) push new comment to the items
let self = this;
// setTimeout is just to emulate server delay time
setTimeout(function () {
args.object.push({ image: "~/images/icon-50.png", id: self.random(1000), comment: args.comment, replyTo:, username: "Demo User", likes: 0, isLike: false, datetime: });
}, 2000);
public edit(args) {
// the edited comment
//the id of the edited comment
public delete(args) {
//the id of the deleted comment
you can edit or delete by longPress on the comment that have {editing:true} in the comment object
see demo for more details
Property | Default | Description |
items | required | Array of comment object { image:" image src ", id: "unique identifier of the comment", comment: "comment text ", username: "user name ", likes: " number of how many likes ", isLike: "boolean is the user like this or not ", datetime: "datetime of the comment" } |
add | function(arg){} | event on comment added you can access the object to push the comment buy args.object.push($comment-object) and you can get the id of the comment that replyed to by |
like | function(arg){} | event on like clicked send with and you can toggle the like with args.object.toggle( |
scroll | true | enable or disable scrollview inside the comments holder |
canComment | true | disable or enable submission |
imagetag | the xml element of the image so you can change it if you need to add cache plugin or something | |
plugin | empty string | plugin include statment like xmlns:IC="nativescript-web-image-cache" |
title | Comments | the title of the comments box |
replyText | reply | the reply button text |
likeText | like | the like button text |
toText | replying to : | replying to text |
sendText | comment | the comment send button text |
fontClass | fa | the font library class |
editingText | editing your comment | the editing help text when you hit edit |
xbtn | x | the exit edit or reply text can be font icon |
textview | false | boolean flag to make comment field textview or textfield |
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