NativeScript plugin for Dynatrace.
npm i --save nativescript-dynatrace

Nativescript Dynatrace plugin for Android and iOS

Auto-instrument your application with Dynatrace and to prepare it for monitoring.

Prerequisites / Requirements

You need a Dynatrace account and the credentials of your Dynatrace Application (DTXApplicationID, DTXAgentEnvironment and DTXClusterURL).


First, you need to add the Nativescript Dynatrace plugin:

tns plugin add nativescript-dynatrace

Then, you need to create a file named dynatrace-service.json or dynatrace-service.js in the project root or in NAME_PROJECT/app/App_Resources/ with the following structure:

module.exports = {
DTXAgentEnvironment: string,
DTXAllowAnyCert: boolean,
DTXApplicationID: string,
DTXAutoActionMaxDurationMilliseconds: int,
DTXAutoActionTimeoutMilliseconds: int,
DTXAutoStart: boolean,
DTXBKSFileName: string,
DTXBKSPassword: string,
DTXClusterURL: boolean,
DTXCrashReportingEnabled: boolean,
DTXExcludePackages: string,
DTXHybridApplication: boolean,
DTXIncludeAllPackages: boolean,
DTXIncludePackages: string,
DTXInstrumentAutoUserAction: boolean,
DTXInstrumentGPSLocation: boolean,
DTXInstrumentLifecycleMonitoring: boolean,
DTXInstrumentWebRequestTagging: boolean,
DTXInstrumentWebRequestTiming: boolean,
DTXLogLevel: string,
DTXManagedCluster: boolean,
DTXMonitorCookie: string,
DTXMultiDexKeep: string,
DTXMultiDexKeepFile: string,
DTXPrimaryDexLimit: int,
DTXSecondaryDexLimit: int,
DTXSetCookiesForDomain: string,
DTXUserOptIn: boolean,
DTXVersionCode: int,
DTXVersionName: string,

Here you can find all the auto-instrumentation properties that you can customize.

How this plugin works

Work in progress...


Work in progress...


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004