by notpushkin | v1.0.1
This little helper allows you to use NativeScript [GridLayout][] with CSS [grid-template-areas][css] values.
npm i --save nativescript-grid-template

NativeScript Grid Template

This little helper allows you to use NativeScript GridLayout with CSS grid-template-areas values.

Example usage with Svelte Native (config adapted from

import gridTemplateAreas from "nativescript-grid-template";
const areas = gridTemplateAreas(`
header header header
sidebar main aside
sidebar footer footer

<gridLayout rows="*, 5*, *" columns="*, 5*, 2*" orientation="vertical">
<label text="header" {...areas.header} />
<label text="sidebar" {...areas.sidebar} />
<label text="main" {...areas.main} />
<label text="aside" {...areas.aside} />
<label text="footer" {...areas.footer} />

This is only tested briefly. For invalid inputs, like this one:

a a a
a b b
a b c

behaviour is undefined. MRs adding validation are welcome!