by dborba | v1.4.12
Nativescript for Jitsi meet developed by Witfy team.
npm i --save nativescript-jitsi-meet


This plugin is on a very early version. I'll probably have something better on the next days.

As soon as the code improves I'll be updating the README as well. :wink:

Avoid to use this plugin now if you project is not in development. This plugin will be changed a lot in the next days and a stable version has no date to be available.

I'm working on

  • Improve Jitsi configuration;
  • Add a few listeners;
  • Create IOS version;

Prerequisites / Requirements








Property Default Description
some property property default value property description, default values, etc..
another property property default value property description, default values, etc..


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004