NativeScript wrapper for iOS MMLanScan CocoaPod [BETA]
npm i --save nativescript-lan-scan
- Version: 0.3.1
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NativeScript LanScan [Beta]
(iOS Only)
Getting started
This plugin is a wrapper around the iOS MMLanScan library:
To use this plugin in a NativeScript app:
- Run:
tns plugin add nativescript-lan-scan
What does it do?
This plugin will scan a local network and return an array of all detected IP and MAC addresses. See the original MMLanScan for more details.
How do you use it?
Add the plugin to your NativeScript app
tns plugin add nativescript-lan-scan
Include the plugin in your application. You will need to include a few of the event classes as well if you are using TypeScript - just so TypeScript is happy.
import { LanScan, FoundDeviceEventData, DeviceInfo, PingProgressEvent, PingProgress }
var lanScan = new LanScan();
// Wire up callback events from the Lan Scanner
// Fires whenever a devices is discovered
this._lanScan.on(LanScan.foundNewDeviceEvent, (args: FoundDeviceEventData) => {
// Device info is found on the args.deviceInfo object...
// args.deviceInfo.ipAddress
// args.deviceInfo.macAddress
// Fires everytime an address on the subnet is pinged
this._lanScan.on(LanScan.progressPingedEvent, (args: PingProgressEventData) => {
// args.pingProgress.overallHosts - total number hosts that the scanner will ping through
// args.pingProgress.pingedHosts - current number of hosts that have been pinged
this._lanScan.on(LanScan.scanningFinishedEvent, (args) => {
// Status: enum...
// 0: Finished
// 1: Stopped
// Start the Lan Scanner
// If, in the middle of the operation you want to stop the scan
// Get the SSID
// Note that this doesn't work in the simulator,
// it will say "No Wifi Available"
let ssid = lanScan.fetchSSIDInfo();