by Ryan Lebel | v1.2.0
A SMS Messenger NativeScript module for Android and iOS and Android
npm i --save nativescript-messenger

NativeScript Messenger

A NativeScript module providing an sms messaging action for iOS and Android.


Run tns plugin add nativescript-messenger


To use the messenger module you must first require() it.

var messenger = require( "nativescript-messenger" );


####send: Sends a message to one or multiple recipients

  • numbers: An array of phone number strings. Supports just one or multiple.
  • message: The body message.
  • subject: The subject message.
var messenger = require( "nativescript-messenger" );
var numbers = ["905-454-1234", "905-454-4321", "905-929-1122"];
messenger.send(numbers, "My message", "Subject of Message");

This method also returns a promise. Use as so to define actions after the user has either canceled or sent the message.

    messenger.send(["905-555-5555", "905-555-4444"], "this is body").then(function(args){
// either a string saying cancelled or sent
// just a string with more detail than response.

/* you can do stuff here.. this happens back
in your app after the message window has
been dismissed */

}, function (e) {
console.log("Error occurred " + e);
// e will show a vague error message.