A nativescript implementation of Ripple. For iOS and Android
npm i --save nativescript-nbmaterial-ripple

Ripple implementation for nbmaterial packages

The module implement material ripple on both iOS and Android. It augments nativescript Style/View. This way you can define "ripple" properties on DOM elements or in CSS.

It also include a Ripple Layout That let you make ripple outside from the component.

  interface RippleOption {
wrapper?: View;
iosRadiusFactor?: number;
androidHotBounds?: boolean;
interface Style {
rippleColor: Color;
rippleAlpha: number;
rippleDuration: number;
fadeDuration: number;
interface View {
rippleColor: Color;
rippleAlpha: number;
rippleDuration: number;
fadeDuration: number;
startRippleNative(opts: RippleOption): Promise<any>;

class RippleLayout extends AbsoluteLayout {
perfomRipple(): Promise<any>;

See all modules here