by tremho | v1.2.0
A container component that can be pulled across a page to reveal its content. Docks at either bottom or top.
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(buggy on iOS)

For reasons not fully understood, the iOS version displays odd and inconsistent behaviors. These problems include:

  • The drawer placement may begin off screen, making it unreachable
  • The drawer contents render incorrectly and/or incompletely.
  • This condition changes not only between different device/screen sizes, but also with differing sizes of source content.

The Pull Reveal component works well across all tested Android layout sizes. The only caveat found here is that very small displays may not be large enough to hold the full drawer content, and thus this bit of content will be unreachable on these small devices.


  • Panel slides over content from bottom, top, left, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft or bottomRight.
  • XML and code declarations
  • Can be opened and closed programmatically
  • Android and iOS (although, as noted, is currently buggy on iOS)


To get started, install the plugin, per normal methods:

tns plugin add nativescript-pull-reveal


Although a Pull Reveal drawer can be added via code alone, the more common approach would be to declare it in XML and optionally communicate with it from the page code, like most other Nativescript components.


There are two components to declare in order to set up a Pull Reveal component. For the page you wish to include the PullReveal component, you must first import the namespace for the control in the Page declaration, like this:


This set the prefix pr as a reference to the PullReveal plugin module. You can use any legal namespace variable name here, but pr is used throughout these examples.

There are two components in the Pull Reveal module you need to set up in order to stage a Pull Reveal component to your page.

First, you must declare an enclosing containter as a PullRevealContext. This is done by putting the <pr:PullRequestContext> tag at the top of your page, and encompassing your page layout.

For example, suppose your non-pull-reveal-enhanced page looks like this:

<Image src="~/images/happyface.png"/>
<Label text="Here is some content"/>

then you want to wrap it as follows:

<Image src="~/images/happyface.png"/>
<Label text="Here is some content"/>

Finally, we need to create the PullReveal Drawer itself and populate its content:

<Image src="~/images/happyface.png"/>
<Label text="Here is some content"/>

<pr:PullRevealDrawer id="pullDrawer" anchor="bottom" backgroundColor="black" color="whitesmoke" >
<Label text="Item 1"/>
<Label text="Item 2"/>
<Label text="Item 3"/>

You should be able to put all types of content into the pull reveal drawer, and indeed, the PullReveal makes a great vehicle for pull-out settings and configuration needs.

The PullReveal accepts the following properties of its own:

  • anchor is one of 'bottom' or 'top' (defaults to 'bottom' if not defined) and determines if the Pull Reveal comes down from the top or up from the bottom.

  • exposed defines the amount of drawer that should reveal itself into the context when the drawer is closed. This defines the 'grabble' part of the component. You may wish to style your drawer appearance to present an appropriate looking 'handle', but this is of course optional.

Beginning with version 1.2.0, there is new property:

  • stops is an array of the limit values for drawer travel. There are four elements to this array: The minimum y value (that is, the point of travel that stops the drawer when sliding upward), the maximum y value (stop when sliding down), the minimum x value and maximum x value (left- and right-most stop for the Left, Right, or diagnonal anchors). This property may be read or written as the full array only. The intended purpose of the stops property is to allow the adopting application to overcome the sometimes inconsistent behavior of the calculated stops based upon the content, with empirically derived results that fit the context of the application it is used in.

Standard properties for layout containers may also be used.
Styling options may of course also be applied via CSS classes, like other Nativescript components.


You may prefer to populate the child tree of the Pull Reveal content via code, particularly if your content is highly dynamic.

One example of this is to have an empty PullReveal declared in the xml markup:

<Image src="~/images/happyface.png"/>
<Label text="Here is some content"/>

<pr:PullRevealDrawer id="pullDrawer"/>

and in code, get the instance of this by Id, then fill it with your content items.

    import {PullReveal, PullRevealPage} from 'nativescript-pull-reveal';
const pullDrawer = page.getViewById('pullDrawer');
const lbl = new Label();
lbl.text = "Hello World";
//... and so on

The plugin demo app shows this feature via the "add/remove foobar lines" option. Clicking on this stepper adds or removes child elements to the drawer.

Programatically opening and closing

The open() and close() methods may be called by hendlers to control the behavior of the drawer during actions.

For example, consider a slide-down control panel scenario. On this panel, there are several actions, implemented as buttons whose 'tap' property points to a handler within the page code. At the close of the handler function's operation, it calls the close() method on the PullReveal to shut the drawer. Something like this:

export function handleSetting (args) {
// assumes pullDrawer was defined previously
//... handle the action the button represents
// close the drawer

The close() function without parameters will close the drawer immediately, with no animation. However, you can pass an optional parameter containing the number of milliseconds over which the door should animate closed. Thus pullDrawer.close(2000) would close the door over a 2 second timespan.

There is also an open() method that may be called to programatically open the PullReveal drawer. Like the close() method, it also will accept an optional parameter of milliseconds over which to animate the opening of the drawer.

This effect may be nice to use as a notification vehicle for various forms of information to be presented to a user in certain types of applications.

The plugin demo app shows this feature in the "Auto Open and Close" example.

Construction and API

PullRevealContext inherits from GridLayout and so has all of the characteristics of that class. It is used to provide a parallel context in the page in which the Pull Reveal drawer can slide over the content.

PullRevealDrawer inherits from StackLayout and so has all of the characteristics of that class. It is used as the parent container for the content that you add to it.

PullRevealDrawer defines the following properties

These properties may defined in the XML or read/written as members of the PullRevealDrawer object instance in code.

Property Default Description
exposed '' Optional specification of how much of the drawer should be revealed when closed (DIP width/height)
anchor 'bottom' one of: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'. Defines the origin home position of the control.
stops array of 4 values: [ min Y, max Y, min X, max X ] values for each of the translation limits.

and the following methods:

Method Parameters Description
open animTime: number Opens the panel programatically, if optional animTime parameter is passed, it is the number of milliseconds the opening will take.
close animTime: number Closes the panel programatically, if optional animTime parameter is passed, it is the number of milliseconds the closing will take.


The demo app utilizes CSS classes to style the drawer, assigning a background color or graphic and padding values. You can create and apply similar classes in your own applications to style your drawer as needed.

The plugin itself does not provide any CSS values.

Known Issues

Very first 1.0.0 version was garbage

Don't use the 1.0.0 version, as it was, at best, a failed but inspirational prototype. It suffered several structural failings and only worked in a limited set of contexts.

Version 1.1.0 is a completely re-written approach.

Problems with iOS!

Version 1.1.0 still has issues though, with inconsistencies on iOS.
The gist of these problems are listed above, and on the GitHub issues page.

orientation response

The current version 1.1.0 does not respond properly to an orientation change.

Version 1.0.0
  • Found to be very buggy outside of limited demo context
  • version 1.0.1 addressed some issues, but ultimately was not a fix.
  • Scrapped the approach and started over for 1.1.0
Version 1.1.0
  • Working nicely on Android
  • Demo context working acceptably on medium-sized iOS device (iphone 11 simulator used to test)
Version 1.1.1
  • The same as Version 1.1.0, but upversioned to fix a failed NPM publish.
Version 1.2.0
  • Introduces the stops array property as a means for the adopting app to assume control over the drawer position limits, rather than using the values computed from the content, which for reasons still not understood are often incorrect and/or inconsistent between devices. Note that this simply moves the problem to the domain of the application, which may require the developers to use empirical trial and error techniques to divine the proper values to use for each context. This is not ideal, and contrary to the original intent of this component, but it at least allows a way out of otherwise intractable situations.

Source code and Contributing

Please contribute, especially if you have an idea of how to improve the shortcomings of this control!

The source for this package is maintained on GitHub at:

Structure of the project is based on the templates generated with the Nativescript Plugin Seed project.

Comments and contributions welcome! Please submit your Pull Requests, with as much explanation and examples you can provide to support your changes.

Outstanding issues and requests for help are listed here:

Or, feel free to email me at [email protected] to start a discussion for other suggestions.