by Yuxu Wu | v0.1.0
npm i --save nativescript-swiper


npm npm

A NativeScript plugin for slide functionality on ios platform,based on ios native UIScrollView,quick response and high availability

Why not android

As you know,slide functionality can made by "viewPager" component in native android devolop.And nativescript "TabView" component in android platform is a combination of a TabLayout widget and a ViewPager widget.So we can use nativescript "TabView" component as a slide by remove the title tab :tabview._tabLayout.setVisibility(android.view.View.GONE);

There is a discuss about this question: TabView without the tabs



tns plugin add nativescript-swiper



Example Usage:



<Swiper:SwiperWrapper id="swiper-wrapper">
<Swiper:SwiperSlide class="bg-blue" height="100%" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label text="Panel 1" color="#fff" textWrap="true" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<Swiper:SwiperSlide class="bg-green" height="100%" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label text="Panel 2" color="#fff" textWrap="true" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<Swiper:SwiperSlide class="bg-red" height="100%" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label text="Panel 3" color="#fff" textWrap="true" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" />

Methods for SwiperContainer

  • nextSlide(animated : boolean) - navigate to the right slide (if animated,transition with animate)
  • previousSlide(animated : boolean) - navigate to the left slide (if animated,transition with animate)
  • goToSlide(index : number,animated : boolean) : - goes to the slide at the specified index (if animated,transition with animate)
  • refresh() - refresh the swiper when slides item changed(added slides,removed slides, or orientation changed),incase the currentIndex and slidesCount calculate Incorrectly.

Attributes for SwiperContainer

  • currentIndex : number - get the current index of the slide (read only,start from 0).

Events and EventData

  • start - Start pan
    • object : The Observable instance that has raised the event.
    • eventName : The name of the event.
    • currentIndex : The current index of the slide (start from 0).
    • slidesCount : The count of all the slides.
  • changed - Transition complete
    • object : The Observable instance that has raised the event.
    • eventName : The name of the event.
    • preIndex : The old index of the slide that current slide transition from.
    • currentIndex : The current index of the slide (start from 0).
    • slidesCount : The count of all the slides.
  • cancelled - Transition not complete
    • object : The Observable instance that has raised the event.
    • eventName : The name of the event.
    • currentIndex : The current index of the slide (start from 0).
    • slidesCount : The count of all the slides.
  • finished - Last slide has come into view
    • object : The Observable instance that has raised the event.
    • eventName : The name of the event.
    • currentIndex : The current index of the slide (start from 0).
    • slidesCount : The count of all the slides.
  • scroll - the SwiperContainer is scroll (will fire many times)
    • object : The Observable instance that has raised the event.
    • eventName : The name of the event.
    • scrollX : The horizontal offset of the SwiperContainer ScrollView.
    • slidesCount : The count of all the slides.

work with Repeater

nativescript-swiper can easily work with Repeater

<Swiper:SwiperContainer >
<Repeater items="{{ items }}">
<Swiper:SwiperWrapper />
<Swiper:SwiperSlide height="100%" verticalAlignment="center">
<Label text="{{ 'Panel in Repeater ' + ($value + 1) }}" color="#000" textWrap="true" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" />

var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;

var source = new Observable();
var items = [];
for(var i = 0;i < 10;i++){
source.set("items", items);
page.bindingContext = source;

Add or Remove slides dynamically

Only need to add/remove SwiperSlide item to the SwiperWrapper in any time you want

var platformModule = require("platform");
var swiperWrapper = page.getViewById("swiper-wrapper");

var SwiperSlide = require("nativescript-swiper").SwiperSlide;
var newSwiperSlideItem = new SwiperSlide();
newSwiperSlideItem.height = "100%";
newSwiperSlideItem.backgroundColor = "#000";
newSwiperSlideItem.verticalAlignment = "center";
var LabelModule = require("ui/label");
var label = new LabelModule.Label();
label.text = "this is a new SwiperSlide item,tap to remove it";
label.color = "#fff";
label.verticalAlignment = "center";
label.horizontalAlignment = "center";


Handles application orientation change

when application orientation changed,the slides shold change it's width to fill the screen

add this code into page navigatedTo event

var app = require('application');
var swiperContainer = page.getViewById("swiper-container");
var swiperWrapper = page.getViewById("swiper-wrapper");
app.on(app.orientationChangedEvent, function (args) {
setTimeout(function() {
slide.width = platformModule.screen.mainScreen.widthDIPs;
}, 10);

Imperfect currently,will iterative soon,welcome contributors and issues
