Uber Rides plugin for Nativescript
npm i --save nativescript-uberx

NativeScript plugin for Google Maps SDK

This is a cross-platform (iOS & Android) Nativescript plugin for the Google Maps API

NPM version Dependency status



iOS - Cocoapods is installed

Android - Latest Google Play services SDK installed

Google Maps API Key - Go to the Google Developers Console, create a project, and enable the Google Maps Android API and Google Maps SDK for iOS APIs. Then under credentials, create an API key.


Install the plugin using the NativeScript CLI tooling

tns plugin add nativescript-uber

Setup Google Maps API

See demo code included here

Live Demo here

Setup Android API Key

First copy over the template string resource files for Android

cp -r node_modules/nativescript-uber/platforms/android/res/values app/App_Resources/Android/

Next modify the file at app/App_Resources/Android/values/nativescript_google_maps_api.xml, uncomment nativescript_google_maps_api_key string and replace PUT_API_KEY_HERE with your api key.

The plugin will default to latest available version of the Android play-services-maps SDK. If you need to change the version, you can add a project ext property googlePlayServicesVersion like so:

//   /app/App_Resources/Android/app.gradle

project.ext {
googlePlayServicesVersion = "+"

Setup iOS API Key

In the main script of your app app.js, use the following to add the API key (providing your key in place of PUT_API_KEY_HERE)

if(application.ios) {

If you are using Angular, you need to modify the main.ts as follows:

import * as platform from "platform";
declare var GMSServices: any;
if (platform.isIOS) {

Adding the UberView

Modify your view by adding the namespace xmlns:maps="nativescript-uber" to your page, then using the <maps:mapView /> tag to create the UberView.

 <!-- /app/main-page.xml -->
<maps:mapView latitude="{{ latitude }}" longitude="{{ longitude }}"
zoom="{{ zoom }}" bearing="{{ bearing }}"
tilt="{{ tilt }}" padding="{{ padding }}" mapReady="onMapReady"
markerSelect="onMarkerSelect" markerBeginDragging="onMarkerBeginDragging"
markerEndDragging="onMarkerEndDragging" markerDrag="onMarkerDrag"
cameraChanged="onCameraChanged" />

The following properties are available to you for adjusting camera view.

Property Description
latitude number
latitude number
zoom number
bearing number
tilt number
padding array of numbers reflectig top, bottom, left and right paddings

The following events are available:

Event Description
mapReady Called when Google Map is ready for use
coordinateTapped Fires when coordinate is clicked on map
coordinateLongPress Fires when coordinate is "long pressed"
markerSelect Fires whenever a marker is selected
shapeSelect Fires whenever a shape (Circle, Polygon, Polyline) is clicked. You must explicity configure shape.clickable = true; on your shapes.
markerBeginDragging Fires when a marker begins dragging
markerDrag Fires repeatedly while a marker is being dragged
markerEndDragging Fires when a marker ends dragging
markerInfoWindowTapped Fired on tapping Marker Info Window
cameraChanged Fired on each camera change

The property gMap gives you access to the raw platform Map Object - see their SDK references for how to use them ( iOS | Android )

//  /app/main-page.js

var mapsModule = require("nativescript-uber");

function onMapReady(args) {
var mapView = args.object;

console.log("Setting a marker...");
var marker = new mapsModule.Marker();
marker.position = mapsModule.Position.positionFromLatLng(-33.86, 151.20);
marker.title = "Sydney";
marker.snippet = "Australia";
marker.userData = { index : 1};

function onMarkerSelect(args) {
console.log("Clicked on " +args.marker.title);

function onCameraChanged(args) {
console.log("Camera changed: " + JSON.stringify(;

exports.onMapReady = onMapReady;
exports.onMarkerSelect = onMarkerSelect;
exports.onCameraChanged = onCameraChanged;


Use gMap.setStyle(style); to change the map styling.

For map styles, see Google Maps Style Reference and the Styling Wizard.

Using with Angular

// /app/map-example.component.ts

import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {registerElement} from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";

// Important - must register UberView plugin in order to use in Angular templates
registerElement("UberView", () => require("nativescript-uber").UberView);

selector: 'map-example-component',
template: `
<UberView (mapReady)="onMapReady($event)"></UberView>

export class MapExampleComponent {

@ViewChild("UberView") mapView: ElementRef;

//Map events
onMapReady = (event) => {
console.log("Map Ready");

Clustering Support (Issue #57)

There is a seperate plugin in development thanks to @naderio - see nativescript-google-maps-utils

Get Help

Checking with the Nativescript community is your best bet for getting help.

If you have a question, start by seeing if anyone else has encountered the scenario on Stack Overflow. If you cannot find any information, try asking the question yourself. Make sure to add any details needed to recreate the issue and include the “NativeScript” and "google-maps" tags, so your question is visible to the NativeScript community.

If you need more help than the Q&A format Stack Overflow can provide, try joining the NativeScript community Slack. The Slack chat is a great place to get help troubleshooting problems, as well as connect with other NativeScript developers.

Finally, if you have found an issue with the NativeScript Google Maps SDK itself, or requesting a new feature, please report them here Issues.