by binarynate | v0.1.0
A collection of reusable NativeScript utility classes and functions.
npm i --save nativescript-utilities


A (currently small) collection of reusable NativeScript utility classes and functions.


Check out the API docs for the current utilities' documentation. Every class and function can be imported by name:

import { Logger, convertUint8ArrayToReference } from 'nativescript-utilities';

try {
let bytesReference = convertUint8ArrayToReference(new Uint8Array([ 0x90, 0xC3, 0xFF ]));
// Do something with the interop.Reference instance, like pass it to some native C library.
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Something happened while trying to send the buffer.`, { error });


This module is implemented in ES 6 and transpiled to ES 5 for export. To build the source:

npm run build

There's also a git pre-commit hook that automatically builds upon commit, since the dist directory is committed.


npm run lint