by rigor789 | v1.2.0
A simple router for NativeScript-Vue
npm i --save nativescript-vue-navigator


NativeScript-Vue-Navigator is a simple router implementation that is suitable for NativeScript-Vue.

Quick Start

$ npm install --save nativescript-vue-navigator
// main.js
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'
+ import Navigator from 'nativescript-vue-navigator'
+ import {routes} from './routes'
+ Vue.use(Navigator, { routes })

new Vue({
- render: h => h('frame', App),
+ render: h => h(App),
// routes.js
import HomePage from './components/HomePage'
import LoginPage from './components/LoginPage'

export const routes = {
'/home': {
component: HomePage,
'/login': {
component: LoginPage,
// App.vue
+ <Navigator :defaultRoute="isLoggedIn ? '/home' : '/login'"/>

Attaching extra data to a route

// routes.js
import HomePage from './components/HomePage'
import LoginPage from './components/LoginPage'

export const routes = {
'/home': {
component: HomePage,
+ // we are using `meta` as a good practice, but you are free to use something else
+ meta: { needsAuth: true }
'/login': {
component: LoginPage,
+ meta: { needsAuth: false }
<!-- anywhere in your templates -->
<Label :text="$navigator.route.meta.needsAuth" />
// or in any vue component
export default {
methods: {
doStuff() {
if(this.$navigator.route.meta.needsAuth) {
// do stuff

Getting the current path

// logs the current path in the default navigator

// logs the current path in the second navigator (See Multiple Navigators section for more details)


This package provides 2 methods for navigation, $navigator.navigate and $navigator.back

$navigator.navigate(to, options) is used for all forward navigation

  • to is the path to navigate to (ex.: /home)
  • options is an optional object, which accepts all options supported by Manual Routing

For example, given you are on a Login page, and successfully log in you would navigate to the Home page with

this.$navigator.navigate('/home', { clearHistory: true })

Note that we used clearHistory: true to prevent the back button from going back to the login page.

$navigator.back(options, backstackEntry) is an alias to $navigateBack

Multiple Navigators

It is possible to use multiple <Navigator> elements by providing each new Navigator with a unique id.

<!-- this is the default navigator and can omit the id -->
<Navigator />
<!-- shows the current path of the default navigator -->
<Label :text="$navigator.path" />

<!-- this is the second navigator and it MUST have a unique id -->
<Navigator id="second" />
<!-- shows the current path of the second navigator -->
<Label :text="$navigator.paths.second" />

export default {
methods: {
someMethod() {
// navigate the default Navigator
// navigate the second default Navigator by specifying the frame option
this.$navigator.navigate('/new-path', { frame: 'second' })

// navigate back the default Navigator
// navigate back the second Navigator
this.$navigator.back({ frame: 'second' })

Navigator Modals

type ModalOptions = { id: string } & ShowModalOptions
this.$navigator.modal(path: string, options: ModalOptions);

The default id for modal navigators is modalNavigator but can be changed by passing an id inside the ModalOptions.

// use the default id for the modal
this.$navigator.modal('/path', { fullscreen: true })
// to navigate the modal to '/other'
this.$navigator.navigate('/other', { frame: 'modalNavigator' })

// use a different id for the modal
this.$navigator.modal('/path', { fullscreen: true, id: 'myModal' })
// to navigate the myModal modal to '/other'
this.$navigator.navigate('/other', { frame: 'myModal' })