by eusend | v0.0.16
Your awesome NativeScript plugin.
npm i --save nativescript-zendesk-monety

NOTE: Forked from and turned into an npm package to use TNS 6 and the latest version of zendesk SDK.


npm npm

A NativeScript plugin implementing the basic Zendesk SDK in TypeScript. It is inspired from nativescript-zendesk


tns plugin add nativescript-zendesk-sdk


Following Zendesk Embeddables Documentation:

[Must do] Configure an app in Zendesk Support

Support SDK for Android / iOS

[Must do] Initialize the SDK

Support SDK for Android / iOS

export interface InitConfig {
applicationId: string;
zendeskUrl: string;
clientId: string;
userLocale?: string;
/** AnonUserIdentity object or JWT Token string */
identity?: AnonUserIdentity | string;
import { ZendeskSdk } from "nativescript-zendesk-sdk";
const initConfig = {

If identity: null a new anonymous identity is created, but if identity is undefined it must be set later, but before launching any Zendesk views/activities.

Note: applicationId, zendeskUrl, and clientId must be specified when initializing the Zendesk, but locale, COPPA-compliance mode, and Identity can be set/changed later.

[Must do] Set an identity (authentication)

Support SDK for Android / iOS

Authenticate using an anonymous identity
Authenticate using an anonymous identity (with details)
ZendeskSdk.setAnonymousIdentity({name: "name", email: "email"});
Authenticate using your JWT endpoint

Locale Settings

Support SDK for Android / iOS

The locale used by the SDK for static strings will match the Android Application Configuration or the iOS NSUserDefaults. (These strings can be overridden or missing languages can be added as described in the links above).

To set the Locale of any dynamic content retrieved from Zendesk:


Configure Requests

Support SDK for Android / iOS

Before opening the Help Center or creating a Request you can specify the Request settings:

export interface RequestOptions {
requestId?: string;
requestSubject?: string;
addDeviceInfo?: boolean;
tags?: string[];
files?: File[]; // android only
customFields?: CustomField[];
ticketForm?: {
ticketFormId: string;
customFields: CustomField[]

Show the user's tickets

Support SDK for Android / iOS

Default Usage


Show the Help Center

Support SDK for Android / iOS

Default Usage


Optional Parameters

export interface HelpCenterOptions {
/** default: { contactUsButtonVisible: false } */
articleOptions?: ArticleOptions;
/** default: false */
contactUsButtonVisible?: boolean;
/** default: false -- android only */
categoriesCollapsed?: boolean;
/** default: true -- android only */
conversationsMenu?: boolean;

Filter the Help Center

Support SDK for Android / iOS

Per original SDKs, only one filter can be used at a time.

Filter by category

ZendeskSdk.showHelpCenterForCategoryIds(categoryIds, options);

Filter by section

ZendeskSdk.showHelpCenterForLabelNames(labelNames, options);

Filter by article label

ZendeskSdk.showHelpCenterForSectionIds(sectionIds, options);

Create a request



Support SDK for Android / iOS


Configured via app/App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml as detailed here.

Simple Styling

Zendesk offers 3 base themes that can be used or extended:

  • ZendeskSdkTheme.Light
  • ZendeskSdkTheme.Dark
  • ZendeskSdkTheme.Light
Example extending PnpZendeskSdkTheme.DarkActionBar


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""


<activity android:name=""

<activity android:name=""

<activity android:name=""

<activity android:name="com.zendesk.sdk.requests.RequestActivity"

<activity android:name="com.zendesk.sdk.requests.ViewRequestActivity"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:android="">
<style name="PnpZendeskSdkTheme.DarkActionBar" parent="ZendeskSdkTheme.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/ns_primary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/ns_primaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/ns_accent</item>
<item name="android:actionMenuTextColor">@color/ns_blue</item>
<style name="YourLightTheme" parent="ZendeskSdkTheme.Light">
<style name="YourDarkTheme" parent="ZendeskSdkTheme.Dark">
<style name="YourLightTheme.DarkActionBar" parent="ZendeskSdkTheme.Light.DarkActionBar">


import { isIOS } from 'tns-core-modules/platform';


if ( isIOS ) {
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = new Color('#00FFFF').ios;
UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = new Color('#FF00FF').ios;
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes =
<NSDictionary<string, any>>NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectForKey(
new Color('#FFFF00').ios,

const iOSTheme: ZendeskIosThemeSimple = {
primaryColor: '#FF0000',

The first 3 colors are used primarily on the ActionBar/StatusBar for the "new ticket" screen, as the Help Center uses the default ActionBar/StatusBar colors from the regular NativeScript setup.

These settings could affect the whole app, but are ignored by the regular NativeScript Views, but could potentially impact other 3rd part views. Likely you will set these to be the same as what is used in the rest of the app.

The settings within the theme object will only affect the Zendesk.


Typings and iOS metadata have been included in the project to allow for easier usage.
Typings were autogenerated using: