npm i --save vue-cli-template-nativescript
- Version: 1.0.2
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Template for developing Nativescript-VueJS projects
Bring all the additional tools to complete the Nativescript Vue workflow. Add linters, es6 support with babel, minified build generation, etc. Compatible with any tns testing tooling.
Nativescript + VueJS + Rollup + Babel + SemanticRelease
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init julon/vue-cli-template-nativescript my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
# In another shell, to run on emulators which is going to refresh on file changes
$ npm run android
# or/and
$ npm run ios
What's included
npm run build
: Production-ready build.- Export to CommonJS (dev & minified)
- Using Rollup to compute Vue, ES6 js files
- Pugjs and Stylus supported in vue files
npm run dev
: Run a rollup build in watch mode- Pre-configured to update our src code inside the app folder
npm run lint
- Rules based on prettier:recommended, vue:recommended
- Import errors and warning detection
- Use
npm run lint:fix
to fix eslint errors
npm run cz
: Commitizen support- Loaded with Conventional-changelog rules
- Entrypoint to semantic-release automation
- Semantic-release auto-deployment configuration
- Auto-generate changelog
- Auto-commit computed package version in git
- Auto-release in github
- Enable this features by using the semantic-release-cli
Fork It And Make Your Own
You can fork this repo to create your own boilerplate, and use it with vue-cli:
vue init username/repo my-project