Plugins by NativeScript Team (277)
@nativescript/coreA JavaScript library providing an easy to use api for interacting with iOS and Android platform APIs.
@nativescript/local-notificationsThe Local Notifications plugin allows your app to show notifications when the app is not running.
@nativescript/imagepickerA plugin for the NativeScript framework implementing multiple image picker
@nativescript/doctorLibrary that helps identifying if the environment can be used for development of {N} apps.
@nativescript/template-master-detailMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-vueMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-tsMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-ngMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nstudio/nativescript-loading-indicatorA NativeScript plugin for showing an overlayed loading indicator.
@nativescript/contactsEasy access to iOS and Android contact directory. Pick a contact, update date, or add a new one!
@nstudio/nativescript-exoplayerNativeScript plugin that uses the ExoPlayer video player on Android and AVPlayerViewController on iOS to play local and remote videos.
nativescript-ui-listviewA powerful data list control implementing a bunch of features native to the mobile world as item animations, pull-to-refresh, item layouts, load-on-demand, swipe-to-execute, etc.
@nativescript/objc-node-apiTypings for the common Objective-C runtime APIs used by both @nativescript/ios-node-api and @nativescript/macos-node-api
nativescript-ui-sidedrawerAdd additional space to your app. Use it for navigation or custom content. Slides in from all four sides of the screen.
nativescript-dev-webpackThis repository contains the code for the nativescript-dev-webpack plugin which helps in webpacking NativeScript apps.
@nativescript/google-payPlugin that provides Google Pay support for NativeScript Android applications.
nativescript-background-httpA cross platform plugin for the NativeScript framework, that provides background upload for iOS and Android.
nativescript-ui-dataformDisplay and edit data object's properties with standard or custom editors in a data fill-in form.
nativescript-ui-calendarMonth, year, week and day views. Single, multiple and range date Selection. Special and disabled dates.
nativescript-pickerA NativeScript plugin that provides a custom TextField which lets you pick a value from a list opened in a modal popup.
nativescript-ui-autocompleteImprove data entry speed and accuracy by triggering auto-completion for text entries.
nativescript-brightnessNativeScript plugin, that helps you set the brightness of the screen for Android and iOS.
@nstudio/ui-collectionviewCustomized NativeScript CollectionView for high performance lists. Supports vertical and horizontal modes, templating, and more.
nativescript-ui-gaugeShow a key data point in an intuitive gauge format, with contextual bands for categorization.
@nstudio/nativescript-filterable-listpickerThe native listpickers on iOS and Android are not great for huge lists that users may want to filter. This plugin is a modal that offers filtering capabilities.
nativescript-ui-chartCreate beautiful and flexible charts with smooth interaction and zooming - area, line, pie, scatter and more.
@nativescript/canvas-polyfillPolyfill for making NativeScript compatible with web libs like pixi.js, three.js, phaser.js, babylon.js, etc....
nativescript-dev-debuggingThis dev plugin allows an NativeScript plugin authors to use a predefined workflow with which you can develop and debug both the native iOS/Android and the TypeScript/JavaScript wrapper source code of their NS plugin. The main API that this plugin exposes
@nativescript/ios-node-apiAn embeddable, engine-agnostic NativeScript runtime for iOS based on Node-API
@nativescript/pickerA NativeScript plugin that provides a custom TextField which lets you pick a value from a list opened in a modal popup.
nativescript-doctorLibrary that helps identifying if the environment can be used for development of {N} apps.
@nativescript/macos-node-apiAn embeddable, engine-agnostic NativeScript runtime for macOS based on Node-API
@nativescript/appavailabilityA NativeScript plugin to check for availability of other apps on the device.
@nstudio/nativescript-input-maskA Nativescript plugin to mask (format) text such as phone numbers or credit card numbers.
@triniwiz/nativescript-supabase-storageA Nativescript client library to interact with Supabase Storage
tns-platform-declarationsPlatform-specific TypeScript declarations for NativeScript for accessing native objects
@nstudio/nativescript-coachmarksDisplay user coach marks with a couple of shape cutouts over an existing UI for NativeScript.
@nativescript/directionsLeverage the native Maps app to show directions from and to anywhere you like.
@nativescript/auto-fit-textNativeScript plugin for a label that resizes on a single line to fit the screen.
@nativescript/brightnessNativeScript plugin, that helps you set the brightness of the screen for Android and iOS.
@nstudio/nativescript-tracking-transparency🕵️ A NativeScript Library for interacting with the tracking API for iOS 14+
@nstudio/nativescript-blurUses the iOS blur effect to blur anything that has an underlying iOS view, and blurs images on android, using BlurKit..
@nstudio/nativescript-dialogA NativeScript plugin for iOS and Android that allows you to create custom dialog.
@nstudio/nativescript-label-marqueeA Label which can scroll with a marquee effect when the text outgrows the available width.
nativescript-plugin-appcompatA plugin which installs the v7-appcompat Android Support library to your NativeScript project.
proxy-libProxy library used in NativeScript tooling. This library gives you methods to get, set and clear proxy settings respected by NativeScript tooling.
@nstudio/nativescript-floatingactionbuttonA NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button.
nativescript-plugin-google-play-servicesA plugin which installs the Google Play Services library to your NativeScript project.
nativescript-intlProvides API for using Native date, time and number formatting with an API similar to Intl.js
nativescript-dev-typescriptTypeScript support for NativeScript projects. Install using tns install typescript.
karma-nativescript-launcherKarma launcher for NativeScript unit tests =======================================
nativescript-remote-buildsRun NativeScript apps with local LiveSync without any local Android/iOS setup.