All plugins (2270)
nativescript-file-photoviewNativeScript plugin for viewing an image file from local storage on Android.
nativescript-fingerprint-auth-customFork from nativescript-fingerprint-auth to implement custom Android Screen. fingerprint authentication plugin for use in NativeScript apps
nativescript-floatingactionbutton-enducoA NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button.
nativescript-forgm-soundFork of original nativescript-sound plugin with implemented 13.2 iOS fixed and transfer to use typescript with nativescript-plugin-seed
nativescript-geocodingProvides access to native geocoding APIs for NativeScript apps (android.location.Geocoder for Android, CLGeocoder for iOS).
nativescript-geofire-pluginGeoFire for Nativescript - Realtime location queries with Firebase for Android and iOS
nativescript-gettersA NativeScript plugin that adds six new getters – in addition to the native "getViewById" method – to retrieve one or more views by tag, type, class, property, value pair or style.
nativescript-globalevents-freeA NativeScript plugin to deal with global page events. Since the original plugin requires a subscription now, this plugin is my attempt to maintain it to the point where it does not break.
nativescript-google-analyticsIntegrate native google analytics iOS and Android widgets into NativeScript
nativescript-google-analytics-demographicsIntegrate native google analytics iOS and Android widgets into NativeScript, with support for demographics
nativescript-google-loginAdd Google SignIn to your Nativescript Application. This plugin provides an AuthCode for server-side authentication
nativescript-google-maps-utilsNativeScript Google Maps SDK utility library to support features such as marker clustering, heatmap, ...
nativescript-google-maps-utils-ns5NativeScript Google Maps SDK utility library to support features such as marker clustering, heatmap, ...
nativescript-google-mobile-ads-sdkThis package installs the Google Mobile Ads for iOS via CocoaPods
nativescript-google-placesRead Google Places API Documentation at
nativescript-googleplaces-autocomplete-tempA plugin to get autocomplete queries from Google Places using the native APIs.
nativescript-grid-templateThis little helper allows you to use NativeScript [GridLayout][] with CSS [grid-template-areas][css] values.
nativescript-handle-file-cghislaiReceive a url, download and prompt a list of apps which can open the file.
nativescript-handle-file-newThis module gives you a tool to download, choose folder to save and then open an app to open file.
nativescript-health-data-enducoHealth Data plugin for Nativescript, using Google Fit and Apple HealthKit.
nativescript-hook-debug-productionHook for selecting files based on debug or production build for NativeScript Apps
nativescript-hook-env-filesA nativescript hook to replace file according to NODE_ENV value. Inspired by nativescript-hook-debug-production
nativescript-hook-filter-modulesShrinking size of built application by deleting defined set of node_modules inside tns_modules
nativescript-http-formdataA NativeScript plugin to post/upload file as multipart/form-data to server.
nativescript-http-gentleThe best way to do HTTP requests in NativeScript, a drop-in replacement for the core HTTP with important improvements and additions like proper connection pooling, form data support and certificate pinning
nativescript-https-thelonecabbageSecure HTTP client with SSL pinning for Nativescript - iOS/Android.
nativescript-image-black-and-whiteA NativeScript plugin to apply a black-and-white filter on Image.
nativescript-image-cacheNativescript image caching plugin using Fresco for Android and SDWebImageCache for iOS