All plugins (2270)
nativescript-background-geolocationSophisticated, battery-conscious, cross-platform background-geolocation with motion-detection and geofencing
nativescript-background-geolocation-ltSophisticated, battery-conscious, cross-platform background-geolocation with motion-detection and geofencing
nativescript-bored-rudolphNativeScript plugin for a custom hidden Rudolph game inside a pull-to-refresh layout.
nativescript-brightnessNativeScript plugin, that helps you set the brightness of the screen for Android and iOS.
nativescript-browser-polyfillBrowser polyfill for making NativeScript compatible with web libs like pixi.js, three.js, phaser.js
nativescript-bubble-navigationNativescript plugin for Android & iOS that create beautiful navigation tabs
nativescript-camera-previewPlugin to implement the camera preview. Attempt to implement into a plugin from here:
nativescript-canvas-interfaceNativescript Plugin to perform image manipulation using web-view canvas for Android/iOS.
nativescript-cblite-xlPlugins that allows to use the coubbase-lite-android library into nativescript applications
nativescript-centered-labelNativeScript plugin that provide Label that are horizontally and vertically centered.
nativescript-child-animationsA small plugin for quickly applying the same animation too all child elements of a specified parent.
nativescript-childprocessA NativeScript plugin that allows access to creating and running Java Processes in Android using Node.js child process style.
nativescript-circle-menuCircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout.
nativescript-cognitoUse AWS Cognito service in android and ios through nativescipt. Clouding co.
nativescript-componentA module for easily creating reusable NativeScript components without Angular.
nativescript-connectivity-manager-pluginThis plugin provides a connectivity manager of Android and iOS.
nativescript-contacts-liteNativeScript plugin providing pretty fast read-only access to the iOS and Android contact directory
nativescript-couchbase-vuex-orma plugin for vue nativescript to generate vuex ORM-style actions with Couchbase at runtime.
nativescript-couchbaseliteA NativeScript plugin that brings you all Couchbase Mobile features (attachments, ttl, map, reduce, group, encryption, conflicts, livequery, replication....). It targets iOS and Android.
nativescript-cryptoCryptographic functions and utilities using libsodium and native RSA and AES-GCM.