All plugins (1872)
@unitehere/nativescript-phoneNativeScript plugin to use the device phone and SMS features for Android and iOS
nativescript-localizeNative internationalization plugin for NativeScript using native capabilities of each platform
@nativescript/template-master-detail-tsMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-vueMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@oscarlodriguez/nativescript-frescoThis is a NativeScript plugin wrapping the popular Fresco library for managing images on Android with a compatibility fix for fresco 0.14.1.
@oliverphaser/nativescript-bitmap-factoryA NativeScript module for creating and manipulating bitmap images. Forked from mkloubert and updated for NativeScript 8 with fixed iOS crop bug.
nativescript-raterReminds your app's users to review the app through PlayStore or AppStore. Love it, rate it!
nativescript-pickerA NativeScript plugin that provides a custom TextField which lets you pick a value from a list opened in a modal popup.
@approov/nativescript-approovApproov support for NativeScript with Angular/Vue support and TLS pinning
@nativescript-dom/angular-typesTypescript definitions for @nativescript/angular that expose @nativescript/core views as DOM elements in HTML templates
@essent/nativescript-videoplayerA NativeScript plugin that uses the native video players to play local and remote videos.
@nativescript-community/algoliaNativeScript plugin for Algolia search. This plugin is designed to mirror, as closely as possible, the structure of Algolia’s JavaScript client.
@nativescript/google-payPlugin that provides Google Pay support for NativeScript Android applications.
nativescript-photoviewerA simple Photo-viewer component for NativeScript based on NYTPhotoViewer pod for iOS and ImageGalleryViewer for Android.
nativescript-jailbreak-detectorThis plugin checks for root in android devices as well as for jailbreak in IOS devices
@essent/nativescript-webview-extExtended WebView for NativeScript which adds 'x-local' scheme for local-files. events between WebView and native-layer, javascript execution, injecting CSS and JS-files.
@nativescript/brightnessNativeScript plugin, that helps you set the brightness of the screen for Android and iOS.
@oliverphaser/nativescript-printerSend an image, PDF or the screen contents to a physical printer. Forked from EddyVerbruggen and updated for NativeScript 8 with fixed printing of multiple pages on Android.
@softpak/jsdo-coreThe JSDO is a JavaScript implementation of the CDO Specification published by Progress Software Corporation. The JSDO is a free and open-source full-featured implementation that can be used in web, mobile web and hybrid mobile apps.
@ammarahmed/nativescript-webviewA NativeScript webview plugin that wraps the popular react-native-webview library using Open Native.