All plugins (2270)
nativescript-custom-bottomsheetNativescript Custom Bottomsheet is a plugin that enable the show a custom beautiful actionsheet/bottomsheet.
@nativescript-community/systemuiProvides API for changing the styles of SystemUI (StatusBar, NavigationBar...) on iOS.
nativescript-bottom-navigationNativeScript plugin to add a bottom navigation component for Android & iOS
@nota/nativescript-audioplayerFully featured AudioPlayer for NativeScript. Supports gap-less audio playlist playback with variable playback speed and native remote controls
@nativescript-community/ui-image-colorfiltercolor matrix filters for @nativescript-community/ui-image
nativescript-gameanalyticsOfficial NativeScript SDK for GameAnalytics. GameAnalytics is a free analytics platform that helps game developers understand their players' behaviour by delivering relevant insights.
nativescript-localizeNative internationalization plugin for NativeScript using native capabilities of each platform
@imranmungai/react-native-expo-fancy-alertsInspired on nativescript-fancyalert by Nathan Walker - A simple, basic implementation of the beautiful alerts that lib brings to the table
@nativescript/template-master-detailMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-vueMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript/objc-node-apiTypings for the common Objective-C runtime APIs used by both @nativescript/ios-node-api and @nativescript/macos-node-api
@nativescript/template-master-detail-ngMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@oliverphaser/nativescript-bitmap-factoryA NativeScript module for creating and manipulating bitmap images. Forked from mkloubert and updated for NativeScript 8 with fixed iOS crop bug.
nativescript-directionsLeverage the native Maps app to show directions from and to anywhere you like.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-tsMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
nativescript-raterReminds your app's users to review the app through PlayStore or AppStore. Love it, rate it!