All plugins (1872)
nativescript-salesforce-sdkIt is allows you to easily authenticate with Salesforce using OAuth (User Ajent flow), and to manipulate Salesforce data using a simple API.
nativescript-sdk-utilityThis plugin is a collection of utilities for iOS and Android to simplify your NativeScript apps.
nativescript-segment-viewMake same style of segmentbar in android and ios, and have more attributes
- NativeScript plugin. (Temporary version which it still wait for merging it by the original author, danielgek)
nativescript-sentry.ioThis plugin uses sentry-android and sentry-cocoa to catch native errors/stack traces and send them to a sentry server.
nativescript-sexy-buttonSexy Buttons. Nativescript implementation of ShineButton (Android) & FaveButton (iOS)
nativescript-signaturepadA NativeScript plugin to provide a way to capture signatures (and any other drawing) from the device screen.
nativescript-simple-filepickerA simple file picker using a Custom FilePath extension for Android and UIDocumentPickerView for iOS.
nativescript-simple-fileshareShare a file using UIDocumentInteractionController for ios and createChooser for android.
nativescript-simple-webviewA simple webview using Chrome CustomTabs for Android and SFSafariViewController for iOS.
nativescript-skygear-sdkThis Plugin allows you to interact with or a skygear-server backend.
nativescript-sms-inboxRead text messages in the android phone inbox using undocumented android api.
nativescript-sqlcipherA Sqlcipher plugin for nativescript application. Inspired by nativescript-sqlite module.
nativescript-sqlite-accessNativeScript plugin to access and manage sqlite data on Android & iOS
nativescript-square-readerAllows you to accept payments through square without leaving your app. iOS only (for now) works on iOS 11+
nativescript-ssi-push-notificationsReceive push notifications in your NativeScript app on Android and iOS.
nativescript-ssoauthAn advanced webview using Chrome CustomTabs on Android and SFSafariViewController on iOS.
nativescript-tasksNativeScript module for simply invoking and handling background tasks via web workers.
nativescript-telephonyA Nativescript plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, etc)
nativescript-template-drawer-tsA NativeScript starter template, in TypeScript, with drawer navigation
nativescript-template-groceriesTemplate for starting the NativeScript getting started Groceries tutorial
nativescript-textinputlayout-v2A NativeScript plugin to provide an XML widget to implement the Material Design TextInputLayout.