All plugins (1970)
@yoonit/nativescript-cameraYoonit Camera have a custom view that shows a preview layer of the front/back camera and detects human faces in it and read qr code.
@yoonit/nativescript-handshakeA NativeScript NPM implementing dynamic SSL pinning for Android and iOS.
@yoonit/nativescript-websocketYoonit WebSocket plugin for Android and iOS to build modern apps with NativeScript
angular2-seed-advancedHigh-quality, modular starter (advanced seed) project for Angular 2 apps with statically typed build and AoT + NativeScript + Electron
cordova-plugin-admobproUltimate Cordova Plugin for Google AdMob and DFP to monetize hybrid apps. Show mobile Ad with single line of JavaScript. Compatible with Cordova CLI, Ionic, etc.
draggie-nativescript-loading-indicatorA NativeScript plugin for showing an overlayed loading indicator.
elvispos-loopback-sdk-builderTool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
esolution-nativescript-google-maps-sdkThis repository is forked from dapriett/nativescript-google-maps-sdk. Google Maps SDK plugin for Nativescript
esolution-nativescript-orientationThis repository is forked from NathanaelA/nativescript-orientation. A NativeScript plugin to deal with Declarative UI and Screen Orientation
esolution-nativescript-photoviewerA simple Photo-viewer component for NativeScript based on NYTPhotoViewer pod for iOS and ImageGalleryViewer for Android.
generator-ng2-seed-advancedAn advanced Angular2 project generator with support for ngrx/store, ng2-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
godot-rust-helperA simple CLI tool to help you create and update Rust modules for your Godot projects.
gulp-babel-nativescriptreplace gulp-babel compiled es5 content to match nativescript(now is v1.4.2)'s rule
herbecon-loopback-sdk-builderTool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
imagene-ns-google-loginAdd Google SignIn to your Nativescript Application. This plugin provides an AuthCode for server-side authentication
imdapro-nativescript-http-formdataA NativeScript plugin to post/upload file as multipart/form-data to server.
native-autocompleteAn editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing.
nativescrip-pbkdf2This library provides the functionality of PBKDF2 with the ability to use any supported hashing algorithm returned from crypto.getHashes()
nativescript-ad-supportAdds AdSupport iOS framework to Nativescript app for use with Firebase campaign attribution (IDFA).
nativescript-add-contact-activitySimple NativeScript plugin that opens add contact activity for selected number.
nativescript-advanced-webviewAn advanced webview using Chrome CustomTabs on Android and SFSafariViewController on iOS.
nativescript-akylas-preferencesCommon API to allow users to use native (familiar) app settings screens instead of having to craft custom UIs
nativescript-akylas-pulltorefreshA NativeScript plugin to provide the Pull to Refresh control on any view.
nativescript-ampersandA NativeScript module to add Ampersand Models and Collections for use in place of nativescript observables
nativescript-android-declarationsAndroid TypeScript declarations for NativeScript for accessing native objects
nativescript-android-fsThis plugin allows Android apps to work with files and folders in external/shared storage, and it's very easy to use. It works on all Android versions, including 11+.