A wrapper for realtime comunication system
npm i --save nativescript-ably

NativeScript Ably Plugin

A wrapper around libraries for Android and IOS


To goal is to separate API from implementation:

  • api folder is used to common and API declarations
  • impl folder is used to the implementation
  • and ably.ios.ts initialize the appropriated implementation for the platform
  • ably.d.ts provide typescript definition derived from the API.

The application just need to import nativescript-ably module. Example:

import {AblyRealtime, Message, ConnectionStateChange, ConnectionState} from "nativescript-ably"

It will import the ably.js file that is generated from, or ably.ios.ts. Depending on the platform

You should not:

Import the API folder, unless you are exposing the API in a implementation
Import the implementation folder, unless you know what you are doing :-)

Android implemetation will be added first, while learning the API, after tests IOS will be added


Typical development workflow:

git clone
git clone
cd nativescript-ably
tsc --watch
cd ../nativescript-ably-demo
  1. Make changes to plugin files
  2. Make changes in demo that would test those changes out
  3. npm run or npm run live.ios (must be run from the demo directory)

Those demo tasks are just general helpers. You may want to have more granular control on the device and/or emulator you want to run. For that, you can just run things the manual way:

cd demo

// when developing, to ensure the latest code is built into the demo, it's a gaurantee to remove the plugin and add it back
tns plugin remove nativescript-ably // replace with your plugin name
tns plugin add ../nativescript-ably

// manual platform adds
tns platform add ios
// and/or
tns platform add android

Then use any of the available options from the tns command line: