A NativeScript module providing google signin for Android
npm i --save nativescript-google-signin


plugin for nativescript apps using signin with google


You need to get the configuration file "google-services.json" copied to platforms/android/ directory and the prerequisites established by google must be set


  • Add plugin tns plugin add nativescript-google-signin

  • Add to your string(platforms/android/src/main/res/values/strings.xml) yor auth or request code

    <string name="google_auth_code">your-auth-code</string>


    <string name="google_request_code">your-request-code</string>

    Also you can pass this code using the config object.

  • In your build.gradle (platforms/android/build.gradle):

    • add mavenCentral() and classpath '' to buildscript block
    buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
    classpath ""
    classpath ''
    • add apply plugin: '' below apply plugin: ""


var googleSignIn = require("nativescript-google-signin");

create a config object

var config = {
authCode: "your-auth-code",
requestProfile: true
  • authCode: code for request server authorization
  • requestToken: code for request the access token (is required if authCode is skiped)
  • requestProfile: set as true if you want the profile information (if is skiped, only email info is requested)

authCode or requestToken must be set if you doesn't create the string variable in the xml file as explained before

Also as second param, you need to pass callbacks function for success or failed events:

var callbacks = {

onSuccess: function(result){

onFailed: function(e){

  • onSuccess: called when the signin process was successfully, the param "result" is a object see
  • onFailed: called when ocurr a problem during the signin process, the param "e" is an exeption or a message with the google error code.

invoke the singIn using the config created

googleSignIn.singIn(config, callbacks);


  • At the moment the plugin only supports android version; ios will be supported in the future (maybe there�s somebody that help me with this :sweat_smile:)