by kallyn_gowdy | v0.10.11
Fire. Base. Firebase!
npm i --save nativescript-plugin-firebase-common

NativeScript Firebase Common plugin

How this plugin differs from nativescript-plugin-firebase:

This plugin aims to provide a common interface for firebase instances that can be easily used across Android, iOS, and the Web. This means that the API surface should be limited as much as possible and should try to mimic the detail of the native APIs as much as possible.

As it currently stands, the nativescript-plugin-firebase project does not offer an API that is similar to any of the Firebase SDK APIs and offers high-level functionality at the expense of composability.

For this project right now, the common API is quite limited, but can easily be expanded to encapsulate additional features.

Use when

  • you need to store JSON data in the cloud,
  • you want to sync that data to other devices and platforms,
  • you want to optionally protect that data by having users log in,
  • you want to update clients at the moment the data changes (think chat and multiplayer games).


NativeScript 1.3.0 (tns --version) is required for smooth installation, so please upgrade if you need to.

Head on over to and sign up for a free account. Your first 'Firebase' will be automatically created and made available via a URL like


From the command prompt go to your app's root folder and execute:

tns plugin add nativescript-plugin-firebase-common



  var Firebase = require("nativescript-plugin-firebase-common").Firebase;

var firebase = Firebase.createNew({
url: ''
// persist: false // turn off offline disk persistence

All further examples assume firebase has been required.


Gets a firebase reference for the location at the specified relative path.

    var categories = firebase.child("categories");


Replaces the data at the current firebase location. Analogous to set() in the Firebase JavaScript SDK.

// to store a JSON object
var promise = firebase.set(

// to store an array of JSON objects
var otherPromise = firebase.set(
{name: 'Telerik', country: 'Bulgaria'},
{name: 'Google', country: 'USA'}


This function will store the given object as a new child at the current location:

  var promise = firebase.push(
'first': 'Eddy',
'last': 'Verbruggen',
'birthYear': 1977,
'isMale': true,
'address': {
'street': 'foostreet',
'number': 123


To listen for changes in your database you can pass in a listener callback function. The possible event types are:

  • value, Observes the value for the firebase ref.
  • child_added, Observes when a new child is added to the firebase ref.
  • child_changed, Observes when a child was modified in the firebase ref.
  • child_moved, Observes when a child was moved in the firebase ref.
  • child_removed, Observes when a child was removed from the firebase ref.

The plugin will take care of serializing native data structures to JSON data.

  var onChildAdded = function(result) {
console.log("Key: " + result.key());
console.log("Value: " + JSON.stringify(result.val()));

var users = firebase.child("users");

// listen to new "children" in the /users path
var cancellationToken = users.on("child_added", onChildAdded);

// to disable the event listener:"child_added", cancellationToken);

This method and the related off() method have been designed to be analogous to the Firebase JavaScript SDK versions.


You can remove the entire database content by omitting the param, but if you only want to wipe everything at '/users', do this:

  var promise = firebase.remove("/users");


v 1.1.0 of this plugin adds the capability to log your users in. Either anonymously or by email and password. You need to add support for those features in your Firebase instance at the 'Login & Auth' tab.

You can expect more login mechanisms to be added in the future.

Anonymous login

// note that you need to enable anonymous login in your firebase instance
type: firebase.loginType.ANONYMOUS
function (result) {
// the result object has these properties: uid, provider, expiresAtUnixEpochSeconds, profileImageURL, token
function (errorMessage) {

Password login

// note that you need to enable email-password login in your firebase instance
type: firebase.loginType.PASSWORD,
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'theirpassword'
function (result) {
// the result object has these properties: uid, provider, expiresAtUnixEpochSeconds, profileImageURL, token
function (errorMessage) {

Creating a Password account

email: '[email protected]',
password: 'firebase'
function (uid) {
title: "User created",
message: "uid: " + uid,
okButtonText: "Nice!"
function (errorMessage) {
title: "No user created",
message: errorMessage,
okButtonText: "OK, got it"


Shouldn't be more complicated than:



The starting point for this plugin was this great Gist by John Bristowe.