by rachnerd | v0.0.34
Workaround for NativeScript to run unit tests located in source code (Angular style guide)
npm i --save rachnerd-test-plugin


This module helps to maintain the angular style guide folder structure for {N} + Angular projects.

This plugin:

  • Watches all generated js spec
  • Copies all generated js spec files to a .tmp folder inside app/tests
  • Fixes require paths to target original source.
  • Runs "tns test [platform]" in parallel.


npm i --save-dev nativescript-angular-unit-tests

Add a script to your project's package.json and call 'tns-test-angular'.

"scripts": {
"test.android": "tns-test-angular --platform=android",
"test.ios": "tns-test-angular --platform=ios"

Karma setup example

files: [
// app/tests/config.ts
import { BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing';
import { NS_COMPILER_PROVIDERS } from 'nativescript-angular/platform';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';

TestBed.initTestEnvironment(BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting(NS_COMPILER_PROVIDERS));


Running a specific spec

|- /app
| - /login
| _ login.component.ts
| _ login.component.spec.ts
| - login.service.ts
| - login.servic.spec.ts
| - app.component.ts
| - app.component.spec.ts
npm run test.android -- --spec=login.service 
|- /app
| - /tests
| - /.tmp
| - /login
| login.service.spec.js

Running multiple specs

|-- app
| |-- login
| | |-- shared
| | | |-- login.service.ts
| | | |-- login.service.spec.ts
| | |-- login.component.css
| | |-- login.component.html
| | |-- login.component.ts
| | |-- login.component.spec.ts
| |-- app.component.ts
| |-- app.component.spec.ts
npm run test.android -- --spec=login 
|-- app
| |-- tests
| | |-- .tmp
| | | |-- login
| | | | |-- shared
| | | | | |-- login.service.spec.js
| | | | |-- login.component.spec.js