All plugins (1970)
@entreek/nativescript-fingerprint-authA biometric authentication plugin for use in NativeScript apps
@erichlz/nativescript-pseudo-bubble-notificationIt's a nativescript plugin, that generate an pseudo bubble notification only into app
@fiftoine/loopback-sdk-builderTool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
@finanzritter/nativescript-pdf-viewA basic PDF viewer plugin for NativeScript, to display PDF documents on iOS and Android.
@gavant/nativescript-cognitoUse AWS Cognito service in android and ios through nativescipt. Clouding co.
@gavant/nativescript-exoplayerA NativeScript plugin that uses the ExoPlayer video player on Android to play local and remote videos.
@gavant/nativescript-videoplayerA NativeScript plugin that uses the native video players to play local and remote videos.
@global66/nativescript-contacts-liteNativeScript plugin providing pretty fast read-only access to the iOS and Android contact directory
@groupsosimple/nativescript-image-generatorNativescript hook that generates platforms images based on a single high resolution image.
@groupsosimple/nativescript-pubnubThis is a Nativescript plugin wraper for the PubNub SDK. It has implementations for both Android and iOS SDKs.
@iloveall/nativescript-bitmap-factoryA NativeScript module for creating and manipulating bitmap images. Forked from whutsfree and updated for NS8.
- Google SignIn to your Nativescript Application. This plugin provides an AuthCode for server-side authentication
@imranmungai/react-native-expo-fancy-alertsInspired on nativescript-fancyalert by Nathan Walker - A simple, basic implementation of the beautiful alerts that lib brings to the table
@irman/nativescript-ng2-slidesAngular Native(NativeScript + Angular 2) version of the slides. Forked from the original /nativescript-ng2-slides
@irman/nativescript-screen-orientationA plugin to force change the orientation of a page programmatically in NativeScript. Supports both Android and iOS. Forked of /nativescript-screen-orientation
@it-serve/flashlightIT SERVE Ukraine development company built flashlight for nativescript core above 8+
@jcassidyav/nativescript-native-addExtension to allow adding of some native files in a Nativescript Project
@jorwoody/nativescript-contactsA temporary fork of 'nativescript-contacts' plugin by Ryan Lebel. Allows adding of contacts without 'Account' on Android.
@klippa/nativescript-httpThe best way to do HTTP requests in NativeScript, a drop-in replacement for the core HTTP with important improvements and additions like proper connection pooling, form data support and certificate pinning
@klippa/nativescript-loginThe best way to do social logins in NativeScript, a plugin with modern SDKs to allow authentication to various providers with access to all SDK features
@knotes/nativescript-clipboardA clipboard plugin for use in NativeScript apps. You can copy and paste text from and to the clipboard.
@lupascudan/loopback-sdk-builderTool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
@mashdog/nativescript-photoviewerA simple Photo-viewer component for NativeScript based on NYTPhotoViewer pod for iOS and ImageGalleryViewer for Android.
- NativeScript plugin to post/upload file as multipart/form-data to server.
@mean-expert/loopback-sdk-builderTool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
@melonwd/melonalertThe purpose of this repo and library is to swap out functionality provided by SweetAlert2 at transpile time and provide Nativescript friendly code/views.
@microexcel-csd/nativescript-create-pdfA NativeScript plugin to create and write a PDF file to the users device. Android and iOS.