All plugins (1872)
@essent/nativescript-webview-extExtended WebView for NativeScript which adds 'x-local' scheme for local-files. events between WebView and native-layer, javascript execution, injecting CSS and JS-files.
@nativescript/brightnessNativeScript plugin, that helps you set the brightness of the screen for Android and iOS.
nativescript-azure-adA NativeScript plugin for Microsoft's Active Directory Authentication Library.
nativescript-fresco-compatThis is a NativeScript plugin wrapping the popular Fresco library for managing images on Android with a compatibility fix for fresco 0.14.1.
@nativescript-community/xml-ui-compilerA compiler that turns NativeScript XML UI content into JavaScript.
@oliverphaser/nativescript-printerSend an image, PDF or the screen contents to a physical printer. Forked from EddyVerbruggen and updated for NativeScript 8 with fixed printing of multiple pages on Android.
nativescript-jailbreak-detectorThis plugin checks for root in android devices as well as for jailbreak in IOS devices
nativescript-gameanalyticsOfficial NativeScript SDK for GameAnalytics. GameAnalytics is a free analytics platform that helps game developers understand their players' behaviour by delivering relevant insights.
nativescript-https-thelonecabbageSecure HTTP client with SSL pinning for Nativescript - iOS/Android.
rave-nativescriptThis plugin allows you to use flutterwave payment platform with Nativescript. For more information visit
@essent/nativescript-loading-indicatorA NativeScript plugin for showing an overlayed loading indicator.
@softpak/jsdo-coreThe JSDO is a JavaScript implementation of the CDO Specification published by Progress Software Corporation. The JSDO is a free and open-source full-featured implementation that can be used in web, mobile web and hybrid mobile apps.
nativescript-ravepay-simpleFlutterwave plugin for Nativescript. Receive payments in your Nativescript app using Flutterwave
@azaschka/nativescript-file-downloaderDownload large files with progress events and resumable downloads
nativescript-calendar-weekviewNativescript Calendar WeekView allow adding events to weekview and styling them.
nativescript-ssl-pinningHttpModule for nativescript with angular support for ssl certificate pinning.
nativescript-troisjs[![NPM Package][npm]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads]][npmtrends-url]
nativescript-blurUses the iOS blur effect to blur anything that has an underlying iOS view, and blurs images on android, using BlurKit..
nativescript-carousel-without-page-indicatorsCarousel component for NativeScript (iOS & Android).
@voicethread/nativescript-cameraCamera plugin for Nativescript applications, supports photos and videos
nativescript-ssi-local-notificationsThe Local Notifications plugin allows your app to show notifications when the app is not running. Just like remote push notifications, but a few orders of magnitude easier to set up.
nativescript-xmlobjectsA NativeScript module that provides handling XML data as objects similar to LINQ to XML.