All plugins (1970)
ebs-nativescript-exoplayerNativeScript plugin that uses the ExoPlayer video player on Android and AVPlayerViewController on iOS to play local and remote videos.
@nativescript-dom/core-typesRenderer agnostic typeScript definitions for @nativescript/core views exposed as HTML DOM elements
@nativescript-community/ui-mapboxInteractive, thoroughly customizable maps powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
@nativescript/pickerA NativeScript plugin that provides a custom TextField which lets you pick a value from a list opened in a modal popup.
@akylas/nativescript-app-utilsProvides API for changing the styles of SystemUI (StatusBar, NavigationBar...) on iOS.
@nativescript-community/ui-image-colorfiltercolor matrix filters for @nativescript-community/ui-image
@nativescript-dom/vue-typesTypeScript definitions for @nativescript/core views exposed as JSX intrinsic elements for vue
@nativescript/auto-fit-textNativeScript plugin for a label that resizes on a single line to fit the screen.
@nativescript/template-master-detail-tsMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript-community/systemuiProvides API for changing the styles of SystemUI (StatusBar, NavigationBar...) on iOS.
@nativescript-community/ui-pager-indicatorA NativeScript Indicator for Pager / Carousel /CollectionView
@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview-alignedflowlayoutA NativeScript CollectionView For Custom aligned Layout Plugin.
@nativescript/contactsEasy access to iOS and Android contact directory. Pick a contact, update date, or add a new one!
@hendrickson-tyler/eslint-configAn opinionated, personalized collection of ESLint configs for different languages and frameworks
@nativescript-community/tweenNatively wraps tween.js, a tweening engine for easy animations, incorporating optimized Robert Penner's equations
@nstudio/nativescript-coachmarksDisplay user coach marks with a couple of shape cutouts over an existing UI for NativeScript.
@nativescript-community/gpsTracks GPS location updates regardless of the app state. Does not depend on Google Play Services.
@nativescript-community/ui-htmlcanvasapiAn HTML Canvas API implementation on top of android and iOS native APIs
@nativescript-community/xml-ui-loaderA webpack loader that works as an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler which turns XML content into JavaScript during the build phase.
@nativescript-community/preferencesCommon API to allow users to use native (familiar) app settings screens instead of having to craft custom UIs
@nativescript/template-master-detail-ngMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript-community/fontminMinify font seamlessly, font subsetter, webfont (eot, woff, svg) converter.
nativescript-webview-ext2Extended WebView for NativeScript which adds 'x-local' scheme for local-files. events between WebView and native-layer, javascript execution, injecting CSS and JS-files.
barkoder-nativescriptNativescript support for Barkoder - a Barcode Scanner SDK for the modern enterprise.
@nativescript/google-payPlugin that provides Google Pay support for NativeScript Android applications.
@nativescript/template-master-detailMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@dark-engine/platform-nativeDark renderer to native platforms like Android and iOS via NativeScript
@nativescript/template-master-detail-vueMaster-detail interface to display collection of items from json collection and inspect and edit selected item properties.
@nativescript-dom/angular-typesTypescript definitions for @nativescript/angular that expose @nativescript/core views as DOM elements in HTML templates
@kefah/nativescript-otpA Nativescript plugin to auto fill the One Time Code OTP for IOS and Android
@ammarahmed/nativescript-webviewA NativeScript webview plugin that wraps the popular react-native-webview library using Open Native.
@nativescript-community/algoliaNativeScript plugin for Algolia search. This plugin is designed to mirror, as closely as possible, the structure of Algolia’s JavaScript client.
@approov/nativescript-approovApproov support for NativeScript with Angular/Vue support and TLS pinning